Warning: If you have accessed this web page without first having read and agreed to this website's Terms of Access which are located at the Main Gateway page, you must immediately stop reading this page, Click Here, read and then agree to all of the Terms of Access. Then you may return to this page and continue exploring this entire website. Howdy. This is yet another Updates Page, created by your incredibly dedicated, not to mention brilliant Seer, for the purpose of providing a place to post updated comments, as well as possibly answer up to any Superior questions that may arise, regarding the following three Forbidden Truth essays: Racism, Censorship, and Societally Compelled/Coerced Conformity. It is always good to be prepared in advance for all situations. That is a wise and Superior tactical rule to follow, in all aspects of life. And so I am taking the time to create all of these Update pages months before I even publically launch this brilliant web site. This way I will be completely prepared to properly handle all situations that may arise regarding this web site. Take a lesson from your Seer, folks, I have navigated through life with the skill and untouchability of an invisible phantom, thanks to my brilliant ability and choice to always plan out and prepare for every imaginable situation, long before it could possibly arise. You can do this too, if you are brilliant and able to structure your mind to allow you to make decisions and to choose actions, in a perfect manner. Yup, that is a big "if", given your instinctually and genetically inferior natures. As always, feel free to e-mail me with your comments, but do not expect any type of a reply, most especially not if your e-mail is critical, much less hostile. I recognize the Inferiority of the vast majority of you creatures, I recognize that at best, perhaps 1 human out of 100,000 can be expected to appreciate the profound Truth and brilliance that has been expressed at this web page by your Seer of Forbidden Truth, and I will not waste any of my time in exchanging e-mail with Inferiors. Click Here to send me E-Mail: forbiddentruth@hushmail.com |