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It may well be appropriate for you inferior creatures to recognize your own inferiority and in response, to adopt an attitude of modesty with regard to your perceptions of life and of reality, but for the few of us who are truly Superior, modesty must be rejected and shunned, recognized as constituting an unnecessary and self-limited character trait that serves no worthwhile purpose. I, as your Seer of Forbidden Truth, proudly rejoice in my Superiority, and do not hesitate for even a millisecond, in accurately labeling this, my own creation, this Manifesto of Forbidden Truth, as being the most precious, valuable, brilliant document to have ever been created by any single human being, within the entire world, for all of recent human history. This page promises to provide a fascinating potpouri of brilliant Truths, on five, yes five, separate, unique, and extremely important topics. At first glance, a few of these topics may appear to be somewhat superficial and limited in scope and profundity, but this perception is a false one, stemming from your own invalid notions, primarily induced by your diseased societies, regarding what types of topics and issues are important, and what types are superficial and minor. You can rest assured that the Forbidden Truths that are about to be revealed concerning all five of the topics on this page, are every bit as profound and precious as any of the other essays within this Manifesto, and in fact many of the Truths that will be revealed here are so profound that they extend to and broaden the scope of Truths that I have already revealed in previous essays, that I have already written, at this website. Okay, we shall begin with Physical Appearance. This topic is not superficial, in any way. It is truly profound, and the Truths that will be revealed cut to the very heart of the diseased, deranged, fascist, terroristically coercing conformity structure of human society. I am extremely proud of the unique and original "cyclops" illustration of the True nature of the malicious human attitude towards physical appearance, that I will be outlining and discussing at great length within this essay. The tortures, the victimizations, the self-mutilations that you pathetic creatures subject both yourselves and your fellow human being to, directly related to the issue of physical appearance, expose the rotting nature of your human cultural design, in a crystal clear, incredibly powerful and undeniable manner, as my essay will reveal. Our next essay topic will be Fashion. It is true that due to my sexual fetish regarding women's deformed, painful feet, which does extend into the arena of shoes, I have a strongly personal interest in this topic, and it may well be that I devote more space to this one particular fashion item, shoes, than to other fashion items, in this essay. And yet none of the essays within this Manifesto are or will become vanity projects. There are incredibly important, remarkably profound Truths regarding fundamental perversions of humanity and of human society, that will be revealed in this essay. Society imposes fascist Fashion Laws upon it's citizen-slaves, literally compelling individuals to both demonstrate/swear allegiance to the existing societal structure via their clothing, and even more perversely, coercing individuals into agreeing, en masse, to endure discomfort, pain, loss of mobility, and even physical crippling, without the individuals even realizing that this atrocity is being committed against them. Remarkably, many women not only choose to wear high heeled shoes, but feel "lucky" to enjoy the so-called "freedom of choice" to decide for themselves what types of clothing to wear, with no limitations. This essay will prove beyond all doubt, among many other Truths, that not only does society dictate and impose fashion demands upon all citizen-slaves, but it does so in a brutally fascist, completely unfree and coercive manner, for numerous malicious purposes, including deliberate physical crippling and health/life endangering reasons. We will then move on to the topic of Pop Culture Induced Mannerisms/Behaviors.This is yet another title that may seem superficial at first glance, but once the essay itself gets rolling, you creatures will marvel at the profound Truths that will be revealed and exposed from an analysis of these mannerisms and behaviors. The issue of how societies use their own empowered agents, within the so-called "celebrity" as well as media systems, to addict and enslave each generation of children and young adults to behavioral subcultures that are deliberately made to appear exotic, rebellious, and anti-establishment, when in reality these subcultures are not only "harmless" to the existing societal regime and structure, but actually serve to legitimize and strengthen mainstream, diseased societal structures, is worthy of an entire essay in and of itself, and will be covered in great depth here. The entire societal design structure of "celebrity", will be exposed for what it is. The Truth will be revealed, that superstar celebrities like Madonna and Michael Jackson are not only deliberate creations of governmental leadership, but in fact they directly serve as agents of society, in promoting mainstream societal policies and in addicting entire generations of children and young adults to ridiculous, pointless, lie-based, Truth and reality-denying life paths. The Cult of Celebrity will be exposed, as being just slightly less toxic and genocidally harmful to humanity than mainstream religious cults like christianity and catholicism are. Do not even think of skipping over this essay, because it is so profound that it will alter every single perception of celebrity, radicalism, modernism, and so-called "youthful rebellion", that you creatures have been brainwashed into embracing. Our journey of Truth will continue with The Acting Mask. Acting is itself a fascinating topic, with many profound Truths which must be recognized and dissected, but the enigmatic title of this essay is The Acting Mask. The use of the word mask is extremely, primarily important, as will be revealed in the essay. Not only does all acting constitute absolute lying, deceit, malicious manipulation of reality, but in the truest sense of the term, society coerces and compels it's citizen-slaves into literally donning a mask, an acting mask, a mask that involves withholding and hiding your True nature, your actual emotions, feelings, attitudes, every time you step outside your front door, and in fact even while interacting with so-called "loved ones" and family members. The design structure, horrifically negative consequences, and malicious societal purposes behind this Acting Mask will be revealed here. We will also uncover profound Truths on the purposes that television and theatrical actors serve, the insanity of this type of activity even being considered a legitimate profession, much less one of the most highly paid and personally sought after professions in existence, by you diseased torture victim-creations of society. Our fifth and final essay will be Gender Bias/Feminism. All of the various forms of perverse discrimination based upon gender, that have been and continue to be practiced by all human societies in genocidally malicious ways, will be revealed, outlined, and discussed. Even though there will be more focus upon gender bias as practiced and committed against women, than against men, you may rest assured that just as every essay in this Manifesto explores all aspects of Truth, this essay will reveal not only the incredibly malicious gender bias that societies commit upon women, but also the equally outrageous abuses of a gender-based nature that it commits specifically upon male citizen-slaves. We will discuss how and why the forms of gender bias practiced by most human societies are in fact more genocidally unjust than the racial biases that are practiced, and expose just how incredibly desperate society is to not only continue to brutally oppress it's citizen-slaves based upon their gender, but even more importantly, the incredible lengths that societies go to, for the purpose of convincing their female populations that they are not being brutally oppressed and that they must not only accept, but embrace, the "different" role within the cultural system that the malicious leaders of the society seek to impose upon them. Okay, now that we have a basic understanding of the incredible Truths that are about to be revealed on this page, it is time for me to roll up my sleeves and get down to the most pleasurable, albeit time-consuming portion of this job, the actual revelations, in minute detail and complete thoroughness, of every single important and Forbidden Truth, to stagger, amaze, and inform you creatures, regardless of whether you actually deserve to receive this precious gift. We will begin with a detailed explanation that even though the topic of Physical Appearance may appear to be somewhat trivial and frivolous, many extremely valuable insights that expose the ultra-diseased nature of human society can be gleaned via a careful analysis of the cultural and societal rules, decrees, doctrines, and overtly discriminatory policies, regarding the physical appearance of human beings. We will discuss the general rules of acceptable physical appearance that societies impose upon their citizen-slaves, things like haircuts that are of the same, even length on both sides of the head, fingernails that are neither extremely short, nor extremely long, facial hair that must be equal in lenth on both sides of the face, makeup that must only be applied to certain areas of the face, such as the lips and eyebrows. We will discuss the completely arbitrary and capricious nature of these physical appearance rules, and yet the fact remains that these rules are almost universally embraced and accepted, in a completely blind and uncritical manner, not only by societal leaders and their agents, but by all citizen-slaves. We will discuss how a Culture of Conformity which is based upon both blind, mindless acceptance of societal decree, and a very specific inhibition/rejection of one's own True nature and most basic individual freedom, is both the result of and a consequence of, the physical appearance demands, rules, and in a very real sense, laws, that are imposed and compelled upon all citizens by their societies. We will deepen this discussion with an extremely detailed analysis of the brutal, societally systematic prejudice, discrimination, and malicious ridicule/shunning that all individuals who have a noticeable physical "deformity" that causes them to look, walk, sound, or act differently from the societally decreed standard of appropriate normalcy, are subjected to. We will discuss how society overtly sponsors and promotes this ritualized, completely unjustified discrimination and victimization of individuals based upon their physical appearance. We will discuss the invalid use of words like "deformity", how and why they are specifically employed by societies to single out. isolate, and legitimize discrimination against, specific human beings whoso physical appearance and/or lifestyle choices do not conform to society's decreed standards of acceptable normalcy. We will discuss the subtly different standards and levels of ridicule/shunning that society promotes, between those human beings who are unable to put forth a physical appearance that meets normalcy standards, due to birth defect or physical injury, versus those human beings who deliberately choose to present a physical appearance that fails to meet societal normalcy standards, focusing upon the fact that the greatest degree of venemous, open ridicule is reserved for those humans who have the freedom of spirit to specifically refuse to conform, through inhibition, their physical appearance. We will discuss why physical appearance is a universal form of societal fascism, that crosses all class, economic, and ethnic lines, meaning that even though the actual physical appearance rules can and do vary widely among different economic/ethnic groups, the fact that physical appearance rules are imposed upon all, remains a universal reality. We will discuss the absolutely unjustifiable, illogical, unnecessary emotional torture that physically different individuals who are labeled as deformed, are subjected to by society and as a direct result of societal imposition of physical appearance rules upon their citizen-slaves. We will dissect the ridiculous, false claims that societies make, with regard to verbally pretending to criticize such discrimination, when the reality is that society is sponsoring, encouraging, and in a literal sense, ordering it's citizens to engage in this brutal discrimination. A brilliant scenario will be outlined at great length, which proves beyond all doubt that your diseased societies are perversely, insanely, and malevolently discriminatory with regard to the physical appearance of your fellow humans. The scenario will involve a three-eyed child, a "cyclops" child, who has three perfectly functional eyes, two in their normal positions, the third directly in the middle of her forehead. We will discuss the perverse fact that even if all three eyes provide perfect vision, and in fact the third eye provided the child with superior vision to all other humans, vision so superior that it would be of tremendous financial and personal value to the child, and despite the fact that by any rational analysis having three perfectly functioning eyes is better than having two perfectly functioning eyes, this child will be subjected to the horrific mutilation of having the eye located in the middle of her forehead surgically removed. We will discuss the utterly outrageous, unjustifiable perversity of such an act of brutalization being committed upon the child, and how it stems from the diseased human obsession with forcing all individuals to conform their physical appearances to the perverse, often inferior standards that society chooses to impose. We will discuss at length the issue of plastic surgery, revealing this activity to be utterly without any medical merit, and constituting an act of societally coerced personal mutilation of self. We will discuss how and why the very existence of the practice of plastic surgery, in and of itself, serves to brutally destroy the natural, instinctual self-esteem and admiration of self that all human children, as well as all animals, are born possessing. We will discuss how incredibly coercive the societal decrees of appropriate physical appearance are, and how this is proven by the fact that you humans, en masse, "choose" to undergo expensive, dangerous, and completely unnecessary plastic surgery, for the purpose of "correcting" imaginary, non-existent physical flaws, that your malicious society has deluded and brainwashed you into believing that you are afflicted with. We will discuss at length how and why some of you humans are so desperately obsessed with your own physical appearances, that you will deliberately choose to endure physical discomfort, physical pain, as well as to compromise your health, just to conceal and hide your physical appearance flaw(s). Examples of this perverse activity will be outlined, including women with bunions, corns, and other foot deformities wearing closed shoes, to conceal their foot deformities, even though the wearing of closed shoes in such cases very often results in increased pain, lessened mobility, irritation, aggravation, and increased severity of the existing foot deformities, as well as a compromise of the natural healing process, all of which would usually be improved if only the woman were to wear open type shoes, in which the deformities are exposed and there is no ongoing shoe pressure upon the deformities. We will discuss the covering up of physical imperfections with makeup, as well as the fact that individuals with deformities that cannot be concealed or corrected via surgery, often become housebound hermits, as a result of the incredibly pervasive, universal imposition of strict physical appearance standards of acceptability by your diseased societies. We will discuss how children are deliberately taught and told to engage in the ritualistic ridicule of any human beings, most especially a fellow child, who does not meet societal standards of physical normalcy. We will discuss how acne, a perfectly harmless result of a perfectly natural, hormonal increase in glandular oil secretions that occurs during human adolescence, has been insanely decreed by human society to be a physical defect/disease that requires medication and treatment, and how this ridiculous societal decree serves to fuel and solidify the childhood obsession with physical appearance that society imposes upon all of it's citizen-slaves. We will discuss the notion that sexual attraction between humans has it's basis in physical attractiveness, and unveil the Truth that this is a completely unnatural result of societal brainwashing. We will discuss how and why, in the animal kingdom, mammals often are selective in terms of choosing a sexual mate, but this selectivity does not revolve around physical appearance, but rather around the physical health of the prospective mate. We will discuss the extremely important differences between this health selectivity, versus physical appearance selectivity, revealing that while the health selectivity is natural and instinctual, the physical appearance selectivity, as practiced by humans, is completely unnatural and an artificially induced perversion of natural instinct, that human society is guilty of committing. We will discuss media, literary, and popular culture depictions of human deformity, outlining the Truths behind the Elephant Man case in England, movies, books, and theatrical productions such as Beauty And The Beast, and the perverse use of physically different humans in freak shows/circuses, concluding that it is this final, public depiction of the physically different, the deliberate exhibiting for the purpose of ridicule in freak shows and circuses, which represents the most honest, accurate, mainstream attitude that your societies embrace and promote, with regard to the physically different. We will discuss the fact that despite being an extremely popular story/fable, that has been made into many different movies and cartoons and even television shows, "Beauty And The Beast" in no way promotes or encourages acceptance or legitimacy of physical difference within human society. Instead, perversely, it does the exact opposite, because it is written, performed, and marketed by society as being a "fable", in other words a made-up story that is very specifically a fanciful, fictional story that not only has no basis in real life cultural policy, but overtly represents an invalid fantasy that runs directly counter to the official policy and ideological doctrine of real life within human society, which is overtly based upon the embrace of every6 type of prejudice and discrimination imaginable, most especially based upon physical difference and abnormality in appearance. Thus all citizen-slaves, even if they enjoy and appreciate this fable as a "nice story", are taught by the very design structure of the fable itself that in actual, real life, any living thing, especially if it is human in specie, and has significant deformity or deviation from decreed normal appearance, must be shunned, avoided, ridiculed, victimized, and condemned. We will discuss the universal nature of physical appearance discrimination, the fact that it is applied in an equally brutal fashion to both men and women, assuming that the so-called deformity is of equal magnitude, and yet there is still a gender bias which occurs, based upon the perverse societal decree that all female humans must have significantly more of both their self-worth and the value that they have to society as a whole, tied up in the issue of their physical appearance and their sexual attractiveness. We will discuss how and why this results in a significantly more severely fascist and personally traumatic impact being imposed upon female humans who fail to meet societally decreed standards of physical appearance, than is imposed upon male humans who fail to meet these standards. We will discuss beauty pageants and bodybuilding competitions, comparing these two perverse societal rituals, which are specifically designed to try and coerce/brainwash both girls and boys, women and men, into believing that a very specific "standard" of proper physical appearance exists, that they need to not only admire in others, but aspire to achieve within their own physical bodies. We will discuss the entire concept of "beauty", dissecting society's invalid use of this word and revealing it to be a complete sham. We will outline how and why all so-called "standards" of beauty are artificial and invalid, the invalid standards maliciously imposed upon citizen-slaves by their societies, and pathetically embraced by you brainwashed, uninsightful sheeple. We will specifically discuss the custom of Chinese Footbinding, and how the beauty and physical appearance standards that 21st century american society convinces you creatures to embrace, have absolutely no more legitimacy that the torturous decree by Chinese society, which lasted for over 1000 years, that broken and crippled feet represented proper physical appearance and beauty, for Chinese girls and women. We will discuss anorexia, overeating, and other physically destructive diseases, in reality forms of mental illness, that are directly and solely caused by the deranged societal decrees and demands regarding physical appearance, that are terroristically imposed upon all citizen-slaves. We will discuss how all children are terroristically taught and trained, from age 2, to try and mimic/copy the mainstream, societally approved of appearance, demeanor, and behavior of both their peers, their fellow children, and the adults who have possession of them, rather than being freely empowered to adopt an appearance, an attitude, and behaviors that are reflective of their own unique True Reality. |
![]() This is Charles Starkweather, Tortured Philosopher of Truth, Created Victim of Society, Murdered by the most Diseased Society on Planet Earth in 1959, at the Tender Age of 20. Despite having literally no education, this tortured child found the courage, the determination, the insight, to share and express some absolutely remarkable philosophical Truths, a few of which I am reprinting below. The fact that you creatures had the audacity, the insanity, to murder this tortured child at the age of 20, proves beyond all doubt that american society did not deserve to survive the 20th century. None of you deserve to be alive, this is proven by your genocidally malicious demonization and literally homicidal victimization of the children that you, as a society, are responsible for having created. "Why had I become rebellious against the world and it's human race? Cause that first day in school I was being made fun at, picked on, laughed at. In those younger years of my life I had builded up a hate that was as hard as iron and when people tease, make fun of and laugh at a little youngster in hers or his early childhood, that little youngster is not going to forget it." "What did not make this world a good place to live in was that nobody cared about me for what I could do." "The more I looked at people the more I hated them, a bunch of goddam*ed sons of bi*ches looking for somebody to make fun of." "I wanted her (Caril) to see me go down shooting it out and knowing it was for her, for us; I guess for all this hateful world has made for us."--------------Charles Starkweather. "I said to myself that someday i'd pay them all back, and an overwhelming sense of outrage grew. It roused itself in my mind for a wild thirsting vengeance. I wanted revenge upon the world and it's human race. My mind and heart became black with hatred as it built up in me. A drawn veil of dilatory cloud seemed to come before my face. The tribute was gratifying. I could not analyze nor recognize my emotions as I broke down into tears." "They say this is a wonderful world to live in, but I don't believe I ever did live in a wonderful world." "The world is lifeless anyway, like the people I killed." "Dead people are all on the same level." "Better to be left to rot on some high hill behind a rock, and be remembered, than to be buried alive in some stinking place." "Sometimes, I thought about murderin' the whole human race. I never thought much about just killin' individuals." "I sat in silence as my heart was pounding against my breast as it was rising involuntarily in an occasional deep reminiscent sob, that my deformity compelled. My heart became a grimace of hatred, crimson, and it seemed as though I could see my heart before my eyes, turning dark black with hate and rage." "Sometimes the hate was so real I could feel it coming to life, like something dead or asleep, and beginning to wake up and stir around." "A kid who's been hated will go on hatin' 'till he's crazy or dead. I'm not dead, and i'm not crazy."----------Charles Starkweather Fashion: This essay is currently under construction. Due to current financial and time limitations, it is unclear when this essay will be completed. Please check the Latest Updates page in order to stay up to date with the most current information on my ongoing Forbidden Truth projects and activities. See below for a brief but fascinating outline of the primary topics and issues that will be dissected within this particular essay. Please note that this thumbnail and sketchy outline in no way represents or lists all of the issues that will be discussed within the completed essay. It is simply designed to give you a very brief, very general understanding of some of the most important topics that will be discussed, and Truths that will be revealed, once this essay has been completed. This does not mean that the current contents of this essay outline are less valuable than any of the completed essays at this site. It simply means that the brilliant Truths that are revealed within this brief outline are not 100% complete, as the essay itself is not 100% complete. Nevertheless, it is vital that all students of Forbidden Truth who seek to maximize their understanding of the full spectrum of Forbidden Truth philosophy, carefully read, analyze, and integrate all of the Truths that are revealed within these essay outlines. This essay will begin with a detailed explanation of why the topic of clothing and fashion is in no way trivial or frivolous, and in fact will provide many valuable insights into the perverse and diseased nature of human societies and the human mindset. We will carefully define what "fashion" truly means, and how societies create fashion uniforms and coerce virtually all citizen-slaves into wearing very specific types of clothing, in such a way as to stereotype themselves and reveal many of their most profound character traits and sociological/economic positions, without even having to open their mouths. We will discuss the fact that despite your blind inability to recognize this Truth, virtually all of you are coerced by society into wearing very specific fashion uniforms, just like nurses, firemen, waitresses, police officers, are more openly and clearly coerced into wearing a clothing uniform. We will discuss how the clothing that society coerces you into wearing is designed to define you to all other humans and to empowered agents of society, and to set very specific limitations on what types of behaviors, activities, and lifestyles you are expected to engage in. We will discuss how your societies very specifically "profile" you, in a fascist manner, based upon the clothing that you have been convinced/coerced to wear. Several examples of this type of profiling will be provided, including the fact that american secret service agents are trained and taught, while scanning crowds, to specifically alert to and focus upon any otherwise well-dressed individuals who are wearing sneakers or some other type of non-standard footwear that fails to match up with the suit and tie, dress shirt type of normal, mainstream business attire. We will discuss the enormous peer and societal pressure that is placed upon individuals to conform their fashion attire to a specifically uniform standard, that is economically and racially based. We will discuss the fact that vicious ostracism, termination of employment, violent assault/attack, and even murder, is practiced against any citizen-slave who dares to defy the fashion laws/doctrine of their society, and reveal that even though in some cases these attacks are committed not by society itself, but by members of society, these individual members act on behalf of and with the cultural encouragement/authorization of, their societal leaders and empowered agents. As proof that the fashion laws of society are so brutally fascist that they absolutely do lead to outright murder, we will discuss the fact that men who regularly wear clothing in public, that has been decreed by society to only be properly worn by females, are both physically assaulted and murdered at a much higher percentage rate, than men who only wear so-called "normal and regular" men's clothing, in public. We will discuss exactly what malicious/fascist purposes the fashion laws of society serve, revealing them to be a top-level form of both social control and social manipulation, very specifically allowing and aiding societal leaders and their agents to very quickly and in snap judgment fashion, to decide and determine how much personal respect, constitutional freedom, and presumption of innocence with regard to suspicion or accusation of criminal or illegal conduct, to afford to each citizen-slave, based upon the style and manner of the clothing that they wear. We will discuss specific articles of clothing, and reveal the usage of such articles by society, for fascist, malevolent, and other inappropriate purposes. Some of the specific articles that will be discussed will include the necktie for men, a completely useless and pointless ceremonial garment, the wearing of which is used by societal leaders and their agents as a litmus test to judge and determine the degree of conformity, subservience and acceptance of mainstream societal doctrines of male citizen-slaves. We will discuss the fact that not a single high level business executive or political leader within american society in the 20th century, refused to wear either a necktie or it's equally useless and pointless cousin, the bowtie, and how this proves that in reality, the wearing of neckties is not an optional freedom enjoyed by citizens living in democratic societies, but rather a brutally fascist, completely unfree demand that such societies impose upon their citizen-slaves. We will discuss the perverse nature of fashion being used by societies to judge and determine the degree of personal conformity of citizen-slaves, revealing this usage to be superficial and invalid, but much more importantly, a powerful and pervasively used tool of fascist profiling and brutal coercion. We will discuss other articles of clothing and the role that they serve to society, in labeling, demonizing, and grouping citizen-slaves together for malicious purposes. The wearing of extremely baggy jeans, and the wearing of long pants with one of the pant legs rolled up in such a way as to expose the bare leg, will be revealed as not being independent, hip fashion trends embraced by young, anti-social males on their own, but rather societally encouraged and devised fashion styles that are designed to allow law enforcement and other empowered societal agents to very quickly and easily spot and identify potential lawbreakers and troublemakers in public, simply by observing the clothing that they are wearing, and even more importantly, to interact with and treat such pre-judged anti-social troublemakers in ways that completely violate their constitutional, civil, and human rights, ways that they would not have the guts to treat the very same person, if the person was wearing an expensive Brooks Brothers suit, silk necktie, and highly polished leather wingtip shoes. We will very specifically and at great length, discuss female footwear, how and why societies choose to coerce and command their female citizen-slaves to wear shoes that deliberately hinder mobility, endanger the safety and welfare of women, and cause not only foot pain, but eventual foot crippling. We will compare the no longer practiced Chinese custom of footbinding, to the current, very much practiced and in fact societally decreed and demanded fashion rule that women need to wear specific types of fashionable footwear, concluding that the current, so-called "civilized" fashion standards within 21st century societies like america, are every bit as perverse, malicious, and unjustifiable from any sane and moral perspective, as was the custom of Chinese footbinding. It will be explained how clothing is used by society to hinder and restrict personal freedom and autonomy in many different ways, emotional ways, as well as directly physical ways, involving restriction of movement, needless discomfort, and deliberate physical endangerment/harm. We will specifically discuss high heeled shoes, the many different types of victimization and harm that are directly caused by the wearing of high heeled shoes, the fact that societal leaders are totally aware of the numerous dangers and widespread harm caused by this type of footwear, and yet despite complete awareness, societies choose to very deliberately encourage, promote, and in many ways outright mandate the wearing of harmful footwear by women. We will discuss how high heeled shoes limit the mobility of women, limit the types of surfaces that women can walk on, limit how long women can walk and the distances that women can walk, and cause enduring, chronic/crippling foot pain and deformity that very often results in a severely negative impact upon both the current and future quality of life of women. We will discuss the utter perversity of society forcing women to limit their mobility and their ability to run fast, given the fact that women are generally physically weaker than men, women are stalked and attacked by men far more often than men are attacked by men or men are attacked by women, and it is far more important for women to retain all of their mobility, in all situations, for physical safety/survival reasons. We will discuss how women usually remove their "public" shoes as soon as they arrive at home, and how women often slip off their shoes in public, and how these facts prove that the vast majority of "public" shoes that women are coerced by society into wearing, are specifically designed to not only hinder mobility, but to specifically cause physical pain/discomfort to wearers. We will discuss the fact that many women wear shoes that cause so much discomfort that they feel they must either slip off their shoes in public, or else change from one pair of shoes to another during the course of the day. We will discuss why these Truths have specifically resulted in one type of shoe style, the "pump", becoming the single most popular style of female shoe, very specifically because it can be very easily and discreetly slipped on and off. We will discuss why almost all women, as well as all citizen-slaves, willingly obey the perverse fashion laws that their societies impose upon them, even to the point of enduring daily physical pain, as well as eventual physical crippling. We will briefly touch upon the issue of masochism, especially as regards high heeled shoes, but it will be explained that additional Truths and comments regarding masochism will be revealed at a later essay within this Manifesto. We will discuss the history of fashion, and how throughout the entire Modern Era of human history, clothing has been specifically used by society to cause, in mass, genocidal fashion, physical harm to citizen-slaves, most especially to those slaves who have been decreed to be inferior and subhuman by the societal leadership. Women have always fit into this category, and we will discuss the use of corsets and other articles of clothing, beyond simply shoes, as weapons of oppression used to inflict physical harm and endangerment upon women. We will discuss nudism, revealing it to be a completely natural, normal, and Superior lifestyle choice, which is perversely condemned and ridiculed by society specifically because it defies fascist fashion laws, freeing and empowering the individual, and making it impossible for society to perform it's fashion profiling upon citizen-slaves, if it were to become legal. We will discuss the perverse fact that nudism is not legal, it is in fact criminally outlawed, despite false and ridiculous societal claims that because nudists are allowed to congregate together in a tiny handful of private and semi-public areas, nudism is legal. We will discuss the utter perversity of nudism being illegal, when nudism is completely harmless, allowing for complete physical freedom, while the wearing of high heeled shoes, which overtly hinder physical movement and have overtly harmful effects upon their wearers, is not only decreed to be completely legal, but is overtly encouraged and commanded by society. |
![]() This is Donald Henry "Pee Wee" Gaskins, truly one of the most underrated and unjustly obscure philosophers of Truth, as well as being a prolific serial killer, Donald is yet another of your insane and evil society's tortured victim-creations, that you creatures had the unmitigated gall to commit murder upon. Thankfully, Martyr Donald did immortalize himself, his True Reality, and Truth in general, by writing and having published, after his murder, one of the most remarkably courageous and insightful books of personal philosophy and Truth to have been written during the entire 20th century. The title of this book is Final Truth: The Autobiography of a Serial Killer. The author is Donald Gaskins, although he did utilize a co-author as far as getting the book published and into print, therefore the official authors are Donald Gaskins and Wilton Earle. Thankfully this book is still in print, and should be readily available. If any of you are wondering how I came up with the title of "Forbidden Truth" for this Manifesto, there are numerous different reasons that I chose this title, but one very specific reason is that I bought and read this book by Martyr Donald Gaskins approximately seven years ago, and immediately after I finished reading this remarkable outpouring of courageous personal Truth, I was examining the book closely, as I usually do, memorizing the title, memorizing the facial images of Donald along with some of his most brilliant proclamations of Truth, etc... And it immediately occured to me that while the title of "Final Truth" was perfectly appropriate and accurately descriptive, an even better title, in fact the best title that I could come up with for the book, would have been "Forbidden Truth", rather than Final Truth. This is because Donald reveals numerous, profound, societally condemned, rejected, and Forbidden Truths, within his remarkable, autobiographical book. The phrase "Forbidden Truth" has always struck me as being perfectly descriptive and valuable in it's clarity as well as it's strength, and yet we must go back about 7 to 8 years, to my reading of this book and my analysis of the title, to find the actual moment that I decided that the phrase "Forbidden Truth" was so powerful and valuable that it deserved to be the title of my own book/manifesto/autobiography. I have decided not to include extensive quotes from Donald's book, here. And in fact I will be greatly reducing the number of direct quotes that I include with the photos of the additional Martyrs that I will be featuring on my remaining web pages. There are several reasons for this, but one of the most important reasons, and this is certainly the case with Donald Gaskins, is that I feel utter outrage and complete contempt towards you creatures and your societies, at the fact that books such as Donald's do not receive proper media or sociological attention, and never become bestsellers, despite the fact that they contain, in a literal sense, and I am not being hyperbolic, the most important, valuable, and mind-shifting Truths of any written text in existence. The fact that the "bible", an insane collection of lies, myths, and delusions written by a mentally deranged individual who was completely out of touch with reality, is the #1, bestselling book in virtually every country and on a worldwide basis, while a book such as Final Truth by Donald Gaskins, a remarkable, honest, courageous, insightful, Truth-based exploration of the most important and profound issues of humanity, suffering, injustice, rage, hate, vengeance, society, justice, fairness, etc..., ranks as the 69,703rd most popular book according to the Amazon.com Sales Ranking statistic, fills me with immense rage. The fact that you creatures would choose to buy about 70,000 other books, the vast majority of which have absolutely no Forbidden Truth content, more often than you buy this book, filled with profound and remarkable Forbidden Truth, is the ultimate outrage and demonstration/proof of human perversity. So no, I will not provide you creatures with extensive quotes of Donald's Truths. You should have already purchased this book, or at the very least borrowed it from a library, if you had any Superiority or any sincere interest in uncovering the Truths of life. If my Manifesto and this website does serve it's purpose, in awakening your interest and thirst for Truth, it is still not too late, since this book is available for sale in new condition, available for sale as a used book, and even if your library does not stock it, as many libraries do perversely censor and ban books of Truth, you should be able to obtain a copy. The bottom line is, I am creating this Manifesto to reveal and disseminate my ownunique and brilliant Forbidden Truths. You should already know about and be familiar with the unique and brilliant Forbidden Truths that people like Donald Gaskins, Charles Manson, etc..., have expressed and disseminated, especially if they have done so in a public manner, such as a published autobiographical book such as Final Truth. If you are not familiar with these other Forbidden Truths, you should be required to go to the time, effort, and in some cases expense, of educating yourself by obtaining the complete books or other texts, and certainly you should not rely upon whatever few quotes I may be able to provide here, given my space limitations. This is the reason why I am choosing to greatly limit, and in some cases completely withhold, lengthy quotes from a book like Final Truth. The Truths Donald reveals are every bit as valuable, unique, and profound as the content of this Forbidden Truth manifesto is. This endorsement alone, should be enough to send all of you running to the bookstore, library, or other source, to obtain a copy of this book yourself, so that you may be enlightened as to the complete and unedited scope of Martyr Donald's Truths. The most important fact that I can reveal here, is that Donald, like millions of fellow human beings born into the ultra-diseased society of america, was victimized, tortured, tormented, deliberately and with utter malice, by america itself, and in the greatest outrage of all, he was murdered outright, this brilliant philosopher and seer of Truth was murdered, by the very society, the genocidal society, that was and remains guilty of his creation and his victimization. This book is an absolute must read for any of you creatures who value and appreciate the Forbidden Truths of life, especially as they relate to rage, hate, reflective and cathartic violence/vengeance. "Being born on a farm, I know the difference between raising something and it just growing. You raise tobacco and vegetables to harvest, and pigs and sheep to butcher. They got purpose; you tend them. But weeds grow on their own, tended or not. I grew; I wasn't raised; that's for damn sure. Hell, I didn't know my own real name until I was a teenager and got sentenced to The Reformatory." "When I was younger there was always one or another of a bunch of different step-daddies around. I called them all sir and never bothered to learn most of their names because I knew my Mama wasn't married to them, and they wouldn't likely be around for long. The one she finally did marry was one mean son-of-a-bi*ch. He used to back-hand me and knock me clean across the room just for practice. But then everybody knocked me around: my uncles, my other step-daddies, and nearabout all the boys and girls I played with and went to school with. They beat-up on me just because I was so dam*ed little. It wasn't that I was the littlest because I was the youngest; no matter how old I got I was still the littlest; I never growed enough to keep up with the others. That's how I got the nick-name Pee Wee--Pee-Wee Pee-Wee, playing with your Pee Pee" they used to say, and when I got mad and hit somebody, that was all the excuse they needed to gang up and beat hell out of me."----------------Donald Henry Gaskins. I was born March 31, 1933, and most of what I remember from when I was real young is hazy, like trying to see through smoke in the woods, but I do have this here one memory from before I started school that's as clear as yesterday: Going to the Carnival....My step-daddy paid a dime apiece for him and Mama, and a nickle each for me and my cousin. Inside the tent, in a wire pen was this alligator that didn't look too big to me, even then, and inside glass-front cages were bunches of snakes all balled up, sleeping I guessed. The man who took our money outside followed us in and talked to us through a megaphone which he didn't hardly need because there was nobody there but us....And I remember him saying something like 'Ladies and Gentlemen, let me direct your attention to the center of the tent. The snake lying inside that cage may look peaceful, but don't be fooled: You are looking at the most dangerous creature on God's earth. That is the fearsome King-Cobra that each year kills hundreds, sometimes thousands, of men, women, and children in India.' Then the Barker stopped talking, took a live rat out of a box, and dropped it in the cage with the snake. The rat ran around and around real fast. The Cobra stirred and coiled, rose up and flared out it's neck, and the rat stopped, froze like it thought if it stayed still, it might turn invisible. What took hold of my attention right then was that that Cobra's head was almost exactly as high up as my head. When I looked through the glass I was staring it straight in the eye and my reflection looked like that Cobra and me had the same head and face and eyes. 'Ladies and Gentlemen', the Barker started talking again: 'most animals either kill for food or to defend themselves. A Cobra eats twice a week. This one was fed last night. That bulge halfway down it's length is the supper it is still digesting. So let me assure you, this snake is not hungry. And as you no doubt noticed when you walked up to it's cage the Cobra didn't get upset. It just lay there. That's because it is use to people and knew it didn't need to defend itself. But now suddenly it has raised itself up and is about to strike--and that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is what makes the Cobra the most dangerous of all reptiles--the fact that even as we watch it, it is preparing to kill for no reason other than the fact that it has decided to kill.' The snake struck, then stretched out and went back to sleep. The rat didn't move. I looked at my reflection, then at the Cobra and I turned and saw my girl-cousin holding tight to my Mama's leg, and I looked up at my Mama's and step-daddy's faces and saw that they seemed pretty scared, too. I had a hard-on. And I knew that what I had just seen was somehow special and important, even though I didn't know why. I still carry that memory, clear as a picture etched on my brain. Nothing they do to me can ever burn it away."--------------Donald Henry Gaskins. "To me, school was more than just a waste, it was a kind of torture. Everybody picked on me, so I got into fights almost every day, and then I got punished by the teachers and principal for fighting. It's no wonder I never learned jack-sh*t...My step-daddy said if I weren't going to school I had to work in the fields and do more chores. I said I wanted to work on cars, not on a farm, but he beat my as* so hard every time I slipped off to work for the mechanic that I decided it was best just to do what he wanted....I remember the worst whipping I ever got was the time me and two older boys dug a trench back of the outhouse at the Church, so we could hide there and watch the women and girls when they pulled down their pants. Three sets of step-daddies, a preacher, a deacon, and four mama's, including my Mama, joined together and tore our as*es to ribbons with switches for that. Even back then, girls pis*ed me off....It especially made me mad that them bi*ches could do anything they wanted--show their as*es, make fun of me, even beat me up--and dare me to do anything about it, knowing I couldn't do nothing without being punished by grown-ups." "But no matter how things went, good or bad, I always felt something bothersome was astirring inside of me. It was like I had this ball of plumber's lead rolling around in my guts. Most-times it lay quiet, just weighing me down. Other times, it growed bigger and hotter, like it was going to explode. Every once in awhile I dreamed (I still do) that it blowed me apart and there was all these millions of little pieces and parts of me running around and flying around trying to find each other and put me back together."-----------Donald Henry Gaskins. "I am one of the few that truly understands what death and pain are all about...I have walked the same path as God. By taking lives and making others afraid of me, I become God's equal. Through killing others, I become my own Master. Through my own power I come to my own redemption. Once I seen the miracle light, I didn't never again have to fear or obey the Rules of no Man or no God...I'll die peaceful because my name is going to live as long as men have memories-as long as they talk about good and evil-and as long as they read my words of Final Truth." "In this book I'm not asking nobody's forgiveness. I got no apologies to make for my life. I always had my reasons for everything I've ever done."-----------------Donald Henry Gaskins. Pop Culture Induced Mannerisms/Behaviors: This essay is currently under construction. Due to current financial and time limitations, it is unclear when this essay will be completed. Please check the Latest Updates page in order to stay up to date with the most current information on my ongoing Forbidden Truth projects and activities. See below for a brief but fascinating outline of the primary topics and issues that will be dissected within this particular essay. Please note that this thumbnail and sketchy outline in no way represents or lists all of the issues that will be discussed within the completed essay. It is simply designed to give you a very brief, very general understanding of some of the most important topics that will be discussed, and Truths that will be revealed, once this essay has been completed. This does not mean that the current contents of this essay outline are less valuable than any of the completed essays at this site. It simply means that the brilliant Truths that are revealed within this brief outline are not 100% complete, as the essay itself is not 100% complete. Nevertheless, it is vital that all students of Forbidden Truth who seek to maximize their understanding of the full spectrum of Forbidden Truth philosophy, carefully read, analyze, and integrate all of the Truths that are revealed within these essay outlines. We will begin with a lengthy and comprehensive, Truth-based definitional outline of what "pop culture" is, specifically the diseased melding of celebrity, media, and society, with society serving in the lead role, dictating to both their celebrity population and their media outlets, the pop culture path and agenda that it seeks to promote and impose upon it's citizen-slaves. We will discuss the design structure of all pop culture "scenes", and how this design structure is specifically planned out by societal leaders for the very specific purpose of drawing in and obtaining the obsessive interest of, all citizens, but most importantly and most primarily targeted, is the youth and young adult population. We will discuus how the pop culture system serves to obtain ongoing, obsessive, harmful interest in pointless, meaningless, but often exotic/dangerous sounding activities, via the creation of invalid, artificial, subcultures such as "bikers", ravers, heavy metal and punk music afficianados, skateboarding, wrestling, car and golf afficianados, sexual experimentation, etc... We will discuss why it is that even though many of these activities are by themselves relatively harmless, the obsessive interest in these activities and lifestyles that societies brainwash and coerce their citizen-slaves into embracing, causes a tremendous amount of very real harm, insofar as it distracts, blocks, and prevents citizen-slaves, most especially young adults and children, from focusing upon and realizing all of the profound Forbidden Truths of life, and the True nature of their malevolent societies. We will discuss the fact that this specific goal, distraction and blocking of Forbidden truth, is the primary goal of society, in it's imposition of pop culture ideology, behavior, and interest, among all citizen-slaves. It will be explained to you how these subcultures, some of which are in fact directly harmful/dangerous on a genocidal level, and most of which are carefully designed and developed to appear exciting, exotic, rebellious, and radical, in terms of challenging societal convention and rules, are in fact usually developed by, or at least structured and guided by, societal leaders, for the specific purpose of diverting the attention of, and occupying the free time of, the masses of enraged, mostly young tortured victim-creations of society. We will discuss how very effective this perverse guidance is, specifically because in many cases the young victims come to the false, societally induced conclusion, that the pop culture activities that they are engaging in represent genuine rebellion and an attack upon the existing societal structure. We will discuss how this societally induced brainwashing specifically serves to prevent and block citizen-slaves from focusing upon the reality and Truth-based sources and causes of their own personal victimization. We will discuss celebrity, beginning with a detailed definitional analysis of what a celebrity is, how a celebrity is defined by society, and then we will move on to a comprehensive exploration of how societies specifically use celebrities to legitimize the existing, perverse societal structure. We will discuss the utter insanity of a society idolizing specific human beings simply because they have a unique tone of voice, such as is the case with celebrity singers, an ability to lie well, such as is the case with celebrity actors, or an ability to perform a specific physical activity that most other human beings are physically unable to perform, such as is the case with celebrity athletes. We will discuss how all celebrities who achieve any degree of popularity, no matter how "radical" they may appear to be based upon physical appearance, musical lyrics, or lifestyle choices, only become celebrities because the mainstream, fascist governmental/societal leadership within the society that they have become a celebrity, has specifically chosen to allow them to become famous and influential celebrities, after having decided that they pose no genuinely radical threat to the existing social structure, and further, that their harmless type of pseudo-radicalism would be useful in terms of capturing the time, interest, and obsession of citizen-slaves in such a way as to divert their focus and attention away from both genuine radicalism and the Forbidden truths of life. Numerous examples of this Truth will be provided, via outlines of the lives of celebrities such as James Dean, Madonna, Roseanne Barr-Arnold, Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, Lenny Bruce, Tupac Shakur, etc... It will be carefully explained to you, how and why american society chose to make celebrities out of these tortured victims, and how all notions that these celebrities represented/represent rebellion, freedom, permissiveness, or radicalness, were and are nothing more than false, invalid, societally induced illusions, that served the very specific purpose of diverting the attention of specific generations of primarily young citizen-slaves, from focusing upon the Truths of life, including the causes of their personal victimization, as well as actual, genuinely valid rebellion and radical protest against the malicious society that created and genocidally victimized them. We will discuss how society specifically designs it's celebrity brainwashers in such a way as to target very specific audiences. For example, James Dean was made into a huge celebrity for the purpose of providing an outlet for the rage and hate of the first generation of young adult males to come out of world war two, the tortured offspring of enraged, physically and mentally abusive as well as emotionally crippled, american veterans of world war two. Tupac Shakur, as well as many other black "gangster rappers" of the 1990's, was made into a huge celebrity for the purpose of providing an outlet for the homicidal rage of racially oppressed black children, teens, and young adults, societal leaders decided that an effective way to cause these black torture victims to refrain from becoming genuine radicals in terms of targeting the existing government and social structure of america, would be to get these black torture victims obsessively interested in and focused upon extremely violent and radical sounding songs, which of course posed absolutely no threat of any kind to the existing social structure, and actually prevented and diluted all genuine threats, by causing young black torture victims to waste all of their energy, time, and focus upon pointless, harmless, music. We will discuss and outline these Truths, as relates to many other celebrity figures within american society. We will discuss the fact that in many cases, celebrity "stars" are not engaged in any active, conscious collusion with societal leaders, but rather they are exploited without their knowledge. They are made famous, and their fame is then maintained, boosted, and enhanced once societal leaders decide that they can serve well in the role of capturing and disdirecting the attention and obsession of citizens. We will discuss at length the extremely important role that the media plays in "creating" all celebrities, tying this in with the Truth that all mainstream media outlets oiperate under the control and dictation of the existing governmental and societal leadership. We will discuss how and why entire "movements", which appear to be either radical or completely independent of mainstream societal control, such as scientology, hip-hop music, rap music, Hells Angels/motorcycle gangs, etc..., are in fact either directly created by, or else subverted, controlled, and taken over by, societal engineers, in such a way that a movement or lifestyle which appears radical and potentially dangerous to society, is guided and controlled by society in such a way as to dissipate the real life, justified rage and hate of individuals, and to cause individuals to channel their rage into a pointless and useless artistic/entertainment focus and venue. We will discuss how your evil societies manipulate the pop music scene, specifically elevating certain musicians whose music can be used to either channel the rage of citizen-slaves, or promote an ideological agenda that the society is seeking to popularize, to superstar status. We will discuss how the government itself, using it's media agents, is able to both distort the actual message that a song and a singer is trying to deliver/convey, as well as to outright silence such a message via fascist censorship. In fact songs that are written to convey an anti-society/government message, are often portrayed by the media as being pro-society. We will discuss why heavy metal music was marginalized and demonized more than rap music, to a degree because american societal leaders felt that young black torture victims needed more of an outlet for their rage and hate than white torture victims, but also because heavy metal often revealed more profoundly dangerous Truths than rap, and had a much larger potential audience of enraged victims who might use such Truths as a springboard to genuine political/ideological radicalism. Specific songs that fit these criteria will be discussed, and lyrics will be provided, including "Red Rain" by Peter Gabriel, a song of profound suffering and pain that was never marketed as such because the media agents of society were interested in perking up the mood of citizen-slaves. "Born In The USA" and "War" are two Bruce Springsteen songs which will be discussed at length, as regards to how their messages of Truth were distorted, malevolently manipulated, and suppressed by american societal leaders and their media agents. "Born In The USA" was written as an anti-american song, it reveals at least a couple of valuable Truths about the perverse nature of american society, and yet it has been marketed and portrayed as being a patriotic type of song that is pro-america. "War" is a song not personally written by Bruce, but sung/popularized by him, and because societal leaders could not manipulate this stridently anti-war song which revealed important Forbidden Truth, into appearing to promote the evil agenda of american society, all mainstream media outlets were instructed to limit the playing of this song, to make sure neither it nor it's message of Truth ever became very popular or well-known to the Unwashed Masses of citizen-slaves living as loyal members of the most stridently warmongering society on planet earth, america. We will discuss how even completely fictional characters, portrayed by actors and in some cases not even alive, can and are used by society for malevolent purposes. Two specific examples of this Truth which will be discussed at great length, are the old "Happy Days" sitcom, and specifically the character of Arthur Fonzarelli, "Fonzie", as played by Henry Winkler, and the 1990's-2000's animated sitcom "The Simpsons", and the two characters of Bart Simpson and Homer Simpson. We will discuss the specific societal purpose and role that these fictional characters played/play within american society, and how characters like Fonzie and Bart Simpson are given an inaccurate, surface appearance of being "radically cool", even though in reality they are portrayed to be embracing all of the primary ideological and behavioral brainwashings that their society deems important and valuable. We will discuss how and why such fictional characters are very specifically marketed to enraged, tortured children and teenagers, with a very specific brainwashing message that it is okay, and in fact "radically cool", for the tortured child to emulate and adopt an attitude towards life that mirrors the character portrayal of Bart or Fonzie. The child is told that they are acting rebellious, defying societal rules and decrees by emulating the fictional character, but in reality this is a complete lie, designed to serve the societal goal of getting all of it's tortured child-slaves to misdirect their justified rage and hate in pointless, useless, invalid, and in fact non-radical ways. We will discuss how and why american society uses pop culture, celebrities, and the media to malevolently teach, train, and convince black citizen-slaves to adopt and embrace a speaking style, dressing style, and behavioral style that is very different from the white population, and then perversely chooses to demonize these differences to the older, middle and upper class white population, so as to guarantee that economic advancement opportunities for blacks, within the white-controlled and ruled society, remain extremely limited. Speaking, dressing, and behavioral styles which society promotes to blacks, that are guaranteed to be met with rejection and hostility by mainstream, corporate america. We will discuss how and why an ultra-diseased society like america deliberately and with malice aforethought chooses to try to "program for failure" blacks, as well as other specifically targeted economic, racial, and ethnic groups, using the celebrity and pop-culture system, because the only way that this type of an ultra-diseased, capitalistic society can sustain itself, is to churn out a majority of intellectually inferior and broken worker-slaves, from each and every generation of children. We will discuss the interesting phenomenon of why most blacks feel proud of these differences, and genuinely believe that they have developed these differences on their own, as part of their own, independent cultural history, even though nothing could be further from the Truth, and the reality is that black celebrities, working within the pop culture inducing mannerisms/behaviors system, on behalf of and with the empowerment of the white societal leadership, have and continue to instill these artificial, overtly harmful behaviors and personal style choices, within the black population of america. We will discuss how and why the vast majority of all societally imposed/controlled subcultural lifestyle choices and paths, are never recognized or seen or even considered to possibly be under the control of, the existing societal leadership, and how this serves to make the effective usage of these forms of social control and engineering, extremely easy. We will discuss why the usage of the term "celebrity cults" is extremely valid and accurate, in describing the overall death grip of fascist influence and control over the lives of all ordinary citizen-slaves, that societally empowered celebrity figureheads enjoy. We will discuss the parallels that exist between religious cults and celebrity cults, concluding that in recent decades, in some societies, due to a slight reduction in the effectiveness of the insane god myth form of social control, celebrity cults have gained power and with some segments of the population, now exert even greater fascist influence than the god cult does. We will discuss how Celebrity Cults, on a mass scale, rob individuals of their incentive, motivation, inspiration, and ability to seek out and embrace the True, root causes and reasons for their own intellectual/emotion suffering, frustration, unhappiness, and rage. We will discuss the specific issue of how societies have gained a great deal more effectiveness in delivering their celebrity cult fascism, as a direct result of technological advances that have occured within the past century, such as the development of radio, television, audio and video recording and playback, as well as personal computer technology. We will discuss the various ways that these technologies have made societal control and manipulation of personal and pop culture induced mannerisms, behaviors, lifestyles, and subcultures, much easier and much more effective, on a mass scale, than was the case one hundred years ago, and how this has resulted in an extreme acceleration, over the past century, in the degree and depth of the perversity, insanity, and inferiority of the overall structure of the human race. |
![]() This is Adolf Hitler, Tortured Victim-Creation of early 20th century German Society. The inclusion of Adolf within this Manifesto, as a "featured" victim, complete with photo and numerous quotes, does require a bit of explanation, in order that the True facts be made perfectly clear, so please read the following explanation carefully: One of the most primary Truths that this Manifesto reveals, is that no current and no past government or societal leader, within the history of the Modern Era, has or had any genuine, valid, Truth-based legitimacy, right to exist, or right to hold ruling power over any so-called "citizens". This Forbidden Truth absolutely applies to all current and past governments and governmental leaders of the modern era, including Adolf Hitler and the German government of the 1930's-1940's era. Adolf Hitler, in his performance as a supreme leader, demonstrated the typical malevolence, immorality, personal suffering, and rage of all mainstream societal/governmental leaders. However, the notion that he was more malicious, more immoral, more illegitimate, than most other governmental leaders within human history, is completely false. The so-called "genocide" that he practiced is typical and on the same par as the genocide that was and is practiced by many other governmental leaders, including every single american president of the Modern Era. Therefore, it must be made clear that the ridiculous demonization of Adolf that many governmental leaders have engaged in since his demise, is not only completely invalid, but it is primarily undertaken for the purpose of covering up and concealing from their own citizen-slaves, the utterly immoral and genocidally malevolent policies that these governmental leaders, including all american presidents, choose to undertake. This Forbidden Truth must be understood and accepted, by all seekers of genuine Truth. At the same time, let it be perfectly clear that the inclusion of Adolf's photo and quotes at this website does not indicate or demonstrate support for or admiration of, any of the governmental policies and other Supreme Leader activities that Adolf may have brainwashed/coerced his citizen-slaves into embracing/engaging in. As a Supreme Leader, neither Adolf nor the government that he operated within, deserve to be admired or supported. However, as a seeker of personal vengeance due to being a tortured victim-creation of his society, Adolf had every bit of a True Reality right to seek and claim cathartic vengeance in any way, shape, or manner that he felt reflected his True Reality. This is true for all societal/governmental leaders. Even as this Manifesto condemns and rejects the legitimacy of all governments to dictate and hold power over any citizens, we must remain loyal to the Truth. We must be consistent in our embrace of all of the Truths of life, and this requires us to recognize, appreciate, and accept the fact that supreme leaders of governments are themselves tortured victim-creations of their societies, and even as we condemn and reject the legitimacy of their right to impose their deranged, malevolent will upon us, we must support and accept the legitimacy of their True reality right to seek and claim personal vengeance in whatever manner they choose, even if it involves them aligning themselves with the very society that is guilty and responsible for their victimization. This does not mean, in any way, that we should accept the right of any governmental ruler to impose his will upon us, as individuals, or to maintain a position of invalid leadership over us. This philosophical Truth is equivalent to the situation involving enraged individuals specifically targeting us, on an individual basis, as victims. Even as we are required to honor, respect, and accept the absolute right of all individuals to seek out and target whomever they wish, and to express their homicidal or other violent rage upon whomever they wish, we also, as individuals, have a True Reality right to fight for our lives and welfare, to do whatever it takes to defend ourselves, as individuals, from any attack that is undertaken against us, even though we recognize and accept the fact that our attacker, as an individual, has an absolute True Reality right to seek and claim reflective vengeance against whomever he wishes, and does not deserve to be punitively punished by any individual or any entity, for choosing to do so. There is absolutely no contradiction of any kind, to these Truths. The True Reality right of individuals, not societies or governments, but individuals who are directly targeted for violence, harm, or death, to defend and protect themselves, even if this defense involves attempting to prevent their attacker from successfully imposing his completely legitimate True Reality upon us, as individuals, is absolutely valid. All personal actions, on an individual level, that are motivated by a valid perception of True Reality, have equal legitimacy. So, the overall point that I am making here is that none of the philosophical Truths within this Manifesto of Forbidden Truth, are designed to condemn or to declare invalid, the right of any individual, even an individual who becomes the supreme leader of a society/government, from cathartically reflecting his rage, hate, and other internal True Realities, upon other living things and upon other human beings. What we do and must condemn, is the legitimacy of the entire governmental/societal leader structure, the legitimacy of any human being to be allowed to exert power, control, domination, and oppression upon us, as individuals. It is you creatures, those of you who live as members of human society and therefore either tacitly or overtly "support" and sustain the existence of your governmental systems and structures, who are at fault, and who have an obligation to yourselves and to the Truth, to condemn and reject the governmental systems and structures that serve to oppress and victimize you, on a personal, individual level. With this rather lengthy but important preface, let me explain why I have chosen to include, some might even say "feature", Adolf Hitler within this Manifesto. It is not because Adolf Hitler was a Superior, or even a legitimate, societal leader. It is not because Adolf Hitler directed his own True Reality rage and hate in a Superior way, targeting his own society, the society that was guilty and responsible for his creation and victimization. And I do want to make it perfectly clear that in terms of proper and superior direction of justified rage and hate, Adolf Hitler ranks last, dead last, among all of the societal torture victims who are facially pictured throughout this entire website. The reason that I have chosen to include Adolf Hitler so prominently within this Manifesto is because in addition to being a supreme leader of a society, Adolf was also a brilliant philosopher who possessed a Superior understanding of the human condition and nature, and most importantly and impressively, Adolf was also, in a very real sense, a philosopher of Forbidden Truth. That's right folks, in his speeches, public declarations, and writings, some of which he admittedly did keep secret throughout his lifetime, we are graced with some absolutely remarkable, brilliantly insightful, Forbidden Truths. It is because Adolf is literally the only Supreme Leader of any "official" government of the Modern Era, who was able to and chose to reveal and express these Forbidden Truths, some of which are reprinted below with my commentary, that Adolf, despite being an inferior and malevolent societal leader who misdirected his True Reality rage and hate, does receive fairly prominent coverage within this Manifesto. Just one final note before we begin with Adolf's quotes, let it be clear that just like all seekers of personal, cathartic vengeance, societal leaders such as Adolf are absolute victims of childhood torture, torture that their own societies, in the vast majority of situations the same societies that they eventually become the Supreme Leaders of, maliciously inflict upon them. The fact that they choose to align themselves with the society that is responsible for victimizing them, is sad. It demonstrates the incredibly powerful lure that malevolent societies hold, and the desperate need for personal empowerment that dwells within the True Reality of some tortured victim-creations. As always, we must not blame the victims. Even as we condemn society and government, we must not condemn, on an individual level, the torture victims themselves, who go on to become societal and governmental leaders. They are reflecting their True Reality, as best they can. We must recognize that their reflection is not accurate or pure, and yet it is a perfectly legitimate reflection, for them to make, as unique, individual victims of their societies. We now begin listing just a few of Philosopher Adolf's brilliant declarations of Truth, in many cases Forbidden Truth. Please note that Adolf's quotes will be italicized and appear in this color, while my comments, following each quote, will not be italicized and will be in the color of red: "How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think." Here is a simple declaration of Truth. Almost all societal/governmental leaders throughout the history of the Modern Era know this to be True, but Adolf is the only supreme leader to have publically stated this Truth, although I'm sure he did so only in his private writings, being brilliant enough to realize that if he stood up and stated this Truth to his German citizen-slaves while he ruled over them, at least some of them would feel as though they were being "insulted", and his popularity rating would have taken a severe hit. "Propaganda must not serve the truth, especially as it might bring out something favorable for the opponent." Many of Adolf's most brilliant and insightful declarations of Truth deal very specifically with propaganda, lies, and the ways that a government leader can and in his opinion should use propaganda and lies to control and oppress citizen-slaves. Understand the Truth: All societal and governmental leaders feel this way, but they will never admit it, they will never be "caught" stating such Truths, or writing them down in such a way that they can be discovered and disseminated to the public. This is what sets Adolf apart from all other societal/governmental leaders. Here Adolf not only endorses propaganda, but very specifically reveals the Forbidden Truth that all governments use propaganda in a specifically lie-based manner, that is designed to conceal and withhold Truth from all citizen-slaves. "The one means that wins the easiest victory over reason: terror and force." Once again, Adolf is right on target, in revealing the diseased, perverse nature of how all governments operate. The governmental design structure is in itself utterly insane. Therefore if governmental leaders attempt to rule from a position of rational, reasoned Truth, the entire governmental system would collapse. Instead, all governments overtly condemn, reject, and ridicule reason, rationality, sanity, and Truth, as they impose their will upon citizen-slaves via terrorization and force. Any sane thinker recognizes that this is just as True, in fact even more True in many cases, with regard to so-called "democratic" governmental regimes. "Secular schools can never be tolerated because such schools have no religious instruction, and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith . . . we need believing people." I absolutely love Adolf's quotes on religion and the insane god myth. There is a lot of pathetic, ongoing debate among you creatures as to whether Adolf believed in god, was a christian, a catholic, or an atheist. None of the pathetic, Truth-hating leaders of these religions/social movements want to have their religion/movement "associated" with Adolf Hitler, believing that it would result in a decrease in disciples. Therefore, the christians insist that Adolf was an atheist, the atheists pathetically insist that Adolf was a christian, etc... It is clear to me that Adolf was in fact an atheist, but at the same time he did make a great many public speeches and public writings in which he expressed support for the notion of god existing. He recognized how useful the insane god myth is, in imposing his fascist will upon his citizen-slaves, and so he chose to use/promote the insane god myth to his citizen-slaves, just as the vast majority of all governmental leaders have done, throughout the entire history of the Modern Era. I love his quote above, on secular schools being unacceptable, because it perfectly parallels year 2002 american governmental policies, in which the insane notion of "religious schools" being perfectly legitimate and even superior to secular schools, is protected by force of law as well as official societal decree. I will be dissecting this issue later on, at my "Education Systems" essay, but let me just say right here that the notion that religion has any type of place, to even be mentioned as a legitimate activity or lifestyle, within any type of educational system, is utterly and completely insane. "I have followed [the Church] in giving our party program the character of unalterable finality, like the Creed. The Church has never allowed the Creed to be interfered with. It is fifteen hundred years since it was formulated, but every suggestion for its amendment, every logical criticism, or attack on it, has been rejected. The Church has realized that anything and everything can be built up on a document of that sort, no matter how contradictory or irreconcilable with it. The faithful will swallow it whole, so long as logical reasoning is never allowed to be brought to bear on it." The above quote is remarkable in and of itself, in it's clarity and Truthful scope. What makes it even more amazing is that a Supreme Leader of a government/society, Adolf Hitler, gives us this quote. Understand that just about every societal/governmental in the history of the Modern Era, who chose to operate his government via a fundamentalist religious foundational core, including every Supreme Leader of america, understands and embraces the exact same basic Truth that Adolf outlines above. The thing is, none of them would or have ever admitted to it, only Adolf had the courage, the vision, the respect for Truth that is required to express and reveal such a core, totally hidden and denied aspect of all religion-based governments. Adolf tells us, right here, what your societal leader thinks of you. This is what Bush, Clinton, Kennedy, Lincoln, Washington, all thought and think of you, and why they choose to pretend to believe in the existence of god, and how they use the insane god myth to commit genocide upon you all. "Any violence which does not spring from a spiritual base, will be wavering and uncertain. It lacks the stability which can only rest in a fanatical outlook." I hope you all are beginning to realize and to appreciate just how remarkable and brilliant a philosopher of Forbidden Truth, Adolf was. The above quote is not only 100% on target, it is also totally and perfectly applicable to the events of late 2001, as regards the afghanistan/american war. Adolf wrote or stated this Truth in the 1930's or 1940's. And yet here we are, 60-70 years later, and his Truth is 100% on target to the reality of human life in the year 2002. And understand that the above quote applies just as strongly to the american government, as it does to the victims that the genocidal american government demonizes and targets for annihilation. The american government is spiritually fanatical, with the insane god myth ritualistically invoked by Supreme Leaders to give legitimacy to their genocidally evil and immoral policies and actions. This is proven by public speeches in which the president ritualistically invokes the legitimacy of god, cloaking the malevolence of american policy by pretending that the god creature supports and approves of american policies and actions, by declaring "god bless america". "The great masses of people do not consist of philosophers; precisely for the masses, faith is often the sole foundation of a moral attitude. The various substitutes have not proved so successful from the standpoint of results that they could be regarded as a useful replacement for previous religious creeds. But if religious doctrine and faith are really to embrace the broad masses, the unconditional authority of the content of this faith is the foundation of all efficacy." Utterly brilliant insight, folks! Here Adolf is revealing the True fact that the insane god myth must portray the god creature as being both omnipotent and very specifically demanding of citizen-slaves, in order for a religion-based government to rule successfully and inflict maximum oppression upon citizen-slaves. He is alo revealing the usefulness of the insane god myth in enforcing totally secular, non-religious laws. Just as I outlined in my Insane God Myth essay, with the ten commandments, supposedly coming from god, in reality consisting of nothing more than secular laws against certain types of killing, theft, etc..., that the government seeks to terroristically compel citizen-slaves into accepting. "Faith is harder to shake than knowledge, love succumbs less to change than respect, hate is more enduring than aversion, and the impetus to the mightiest upheavals on this earth has at all times consisted less in a scientific knowledge dominating the masses than in a fanaticism which inspired them and sometimes in a hysteria which drove them forward." If Adolf was alive, I would be honored to shake his hand and to tell him how incredibly impressed I am, not by his political ideologies or his governmental leadership, but rather by virtue of the fact of his incredible philosophical and intellectual Superiority. I am firmly convinced that the most primary reason why Adolf has been so brutally and universally demonized by virtually all societal leaders since his death, is not because of his ideological or governmental policies and activities, but rather because the Truths that he revealed in his writings and speeches, if accepted and recognized as Truths by you citizen-slaves, would absolutely pose a threat to destabilize the very foundations upon which your evil, diseased, lie-based governments rest and operate under. Yes Adolf, once again you are absolutely on target. Fanaticism and hysteria, both encouraged and nurtured by governmental leaders, infect the minds of virtually all citizen-slaves, within ultra-diseased societies such as america. Let it be clear, america is a religiously fanatical society, and the supreme leaders of america induce constant waves of hysteria among the citizen-slaves, as a form of brainwashing and behavioral manipulation. "The greatness of every mighty organization embodying an idea in this world lies in the religious fanaticism and intolerance with which, fanatically convinced of its own right, it intolerantly imposes its will against all others." I read this quote, and it's hard to believe it was not written in the year 2002, but rather in the 1940's, because it so perfectly describes and reveals the Truth, of how the Taliban "organization" operates, how the israel government operates, how the american government operates, etc... "Manifest Destiny", that was the name of the religious fanaticism that american societal leaders used to justify the commission of one of the greatest acts of genocide in the history of humanity. Today, and in recent decades, the insane notion that "god blesses america" and wants america to spread and impose it's particular brand of insanely capitalistic fascism, ridiculously labeled as "freedom and democracy", all across the world, upon other cultures, is the version of religion-based fanaticism and intolerance that the american government practices. "The greatness of Christianity did not lie in attempted negotiations for compromise with any similar philosophical opinions in the ancient world, but in its inexorable fanaticism in preaching and fighting for its own doctrine." Atheists use quotes like the one above, to declare that Adolf was not an atheist himself. 'No way', they insanely declare, 'Just read this quote, that evil Hitler is not one of us, he stated that christianity is great.' Pathetic attempts like this, to deny Truth, are a hallmark behavioral trait among you humans, and even though I recognize atheists as being Superior to god freaks, I will never tolerate or gloss over any type of lie, by anyone. Our mission, as we seek to embrace Forbidden Truth, is to recognize, expose, and condemn all lies, with no prejudice and no double standard, so I am proud to condemn the atheist movement, for trying to portray Adolf as being a god freak himself, by deliberately misinterpreting and misrepresenting quotes like the one above. Once again, Adolf is 100% correct. Christianity is clearly the most fanatical religion of the Modern Era. Christian god freaks have committed genocide of non-believers, on a far greater scale than have disciples of any other religion. "For this, to be sure, from the child's primer down to the last newspaper, every theater and every movie house, every advertising pillar and every billboard, must be pressed into the service of this one great mission, until the timorous prayer of our present parlor patriots: 'Lord, make us free!' is transformed in the brain of the smallest boy into the burning plea: 'Almighty God, bless our arms when the time comes; be just as thou hast always been; judge now whether we be deserving of freedom; Lord, bless our battle!'" You go, Girl! Errr, I mean, right on Adolf! :-) Sorry, got carried away there... :-) Are you blind, folks??! You must be, the Truths are so clear, so crystal clear, but you are blind to them. Don't you see, Adolf used the false illusion of "freedom", combining it with the insane god myth, upon his citizen-slaves, as a brainwashing tool, to win the blind allegiance of his citizen-slaves, in the exact same way that George Bush uses the false illusion of freedom, combining it with the god myth, when he insanely declares "Our enemy hates freedom, god bless america!", to win the blind allegiance of you brainwashed and truth-hating citizen-slaves, today, in the year 2002. "We fight for freedom, and god blesses our battle". Amazing, it's just like Adolf is alive today, and wrote this quote to specifically describe how the evil and insane american government of the year 2002 operates. "The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands..." Adolf knew the nature of humanity so well, it amazes me. Even as I reread these quotes, i cannot help but be incredibly impressed. He knows you creatures so well. He knows you are stupid, you hate and reject Truth. You crave brainwashing slogans that make you feel good and righteous, even as you wallow in the depths of malicious genocide. "god loves america" "those bad guys hate freedom" "You are free thanks to the american government". There are all perfect examples, effective propaganda lies, of what Adolf means, in his above quote. "All propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligence among those it is addressed to. Consequently, the greater the mass it is intended to reach, the lower its purely intellectual level will have to be." Truth cannot be popular, in a lie-based society. Therefore all propaganda must not only be supremely, pathetically simplistic, it must also be patently false and untrue. That's what I would add to the utterly brilliant above quote. American leaders have a huge mass of citizen-slaves, 250 million+, that they must successfully impose their perverse propaganda upon. Therefore we see incredibly low intellectual levels to the propaganda. Things like "god bless america", a propaganda phrase so simplistic that it belongs in a kindergarten reading book, alongside "see spot run". "But the most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly and with unflagging attention. It must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over." What can I say? Once again a brilliant insight by Adolf, used by literally every single governmental leader on the face of planet earth as of the year 2002. Your evil leaders know that if they simply repeat the same insane lies over and over, with enough passion and vehemence, you creatures will blindly embrace the propaganda. And so we see this repetition technique constantly being used, "Our enemy hates freedom", that is one of the primary propaganda points used by american leaders to demonize and justify the mass murder of, the Afghani "enemy" that america is responsible for and guilty of not only victimizing, but having created in the first place, via it's policies of genocidal, worldwide bullying and deliberately provocative interference in the affairs of other societies. "It is a mistake to make propaganda many-sided, like scientific instruction, for instance... As soon as you sacrifice this slogan and try to be many-sided, the effect will piddle away, for the crowd can neither digest nor retain the material offered." That is you, folks. You are the "crowd" that Adolf is referring to, and boy, he has you folks all figured out, with absolute accuracy. The important thing you need to understand is that these Truths that Adolf is revealing, are a literal blueprint, an instruction manual, that all of your governmental leaders today, in the year 2002, employ against you as part of the citizen-slave brainwashing/propaganda system. It doesn't matter that Adolf wrote these Truths in the 1940's or 1930's. There is absolutely nothing "dated" or obsolete or archaic about any of these Truths, they are just as brilliantly applicable and factually accurate, in describing how all governmetal leaders view and treat their citizen-slaves in the year 2002, as they were accurate the day that Adolf wrote or stated them, decades ago. "Propaganda does not have multiple shadings; it has a positive and a negative; love or hate, right or wrong, truth or lie, never half this way and half that way." This is why your insane society tells you "The enemy hates freedom", even though this doesn't even make any logical sense. You are told, "God bless america", no need to try to explain why god would want to bless america, or why god would bless america more than he/she/it blesses other governments. You are told, "A few evil people hate america", never any attempt to try to explain why america is hated. American presidents are smart, they know the importance of following all of Adolf's brilliant Truths, in order to achieve propaganda success. "The purpose of propaganda is not to provide interesting distraction for blas?oung gentlemen, but to convince the masses. But the masses are slow moving, and they always require a certain time before they are ready even to notice a thing, and only after the simplest ideas are repeated thousands of times will the masses finally remember them." Yes indeed, just like the alphabet is repeated over and over to 3 and 4 year old toddlers, the insane and evil brainwashing agenda of societal lies, myths, and ridiculous rationalizations, is repeated over and over to you pathetic creatures. "Freedom is not free", that is the propaganda phrase that just popped into my head. Freedom is not free... That's like saying "You have to enslave yourself in order to gain freedom." It makes no sense! And yet the vast majority of you creatures, if some reporter were to walk up to you and ask whether you agree with the idea that "freedom is not free", would insanely nod your heads and concur with this nonsensical, totally contradictory propaganda phrase that has been brainwashed into your pea-sized brains. "When there is change, it must not alter the content of what propaganda is driving at, but in the end must always say the same thing. For instance, a slogan must be presented from different angles, but the end of all remarks must always and immutably be the slogan itself. Only in this way can the propaganda have a unified and complete effect." This is yet another brilliantly expressed Truth on the nature of governmental propaganda. A perfect example of trhis Truth, would be the legalization of abortion and the practice of the death penalty. Both are utterly perverse, completely immoral forms of murder, and yet the governmental propaganda machine never refers to these acts as murder, and continues to insanely foist the propaganda notion that murder is wrong, unacceptable, and a terrible thing, even as it overtly practices and commits the more perverse and immoral types of murder, on a mass scale, as legal, official, governmental policy. "The great mass of people...will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one. The greater the lie, the greater the chance that it will be believed." Ha! This is so very True! You pathetic creatures waste your lives impotently trying to uncover tiny, meaningless lies, all the while completely unaware and oblivious of the fact that all of the most important, profound beliefs and ideologies upon which you base the very foundations of your lives, consist of perverse lies, myths, and brainwashings. A perfect example of this, and there are literally thousands of examples I could provide here, if I had the time, would be "freedom of religion", and how you creatures try to figure out which religion offers up the "real" god, and once you make this insane decision, you conclude that the other religions are "lying" to their disciples, you actually believe that you have uncovered a very important Truth once you decide which god is the real god, even as you remain completely oblivious to the big, huge, great lie, the greatest lie of all, the one lie that your evil society is most desperate and eager to get you to embrace, and this would be the insane notion that a god creature exists. "There is nothing great in the world that does not owe it's origin to the creative ability of an individual man." This quote is a little bit more "generic" than most of the Adolf quotes that I'm listing here, but I include it primarily to demonstrate just how well-rounded a philosopher of Truth Adolf was. His insights of Truth vary from such issues as religion, human nature, propaganda, freedom, child brainwashing, the power of the individual, etc... And the above quote, just like all of the quotes I am choosing to list here, is 100% accurate and extremely insightful. Who owns the youth owns the future!" Note Adolf's use of the word 'own'. Understand that every government in existence today, considers children born within the nation to be owned pieces of subhuman property. The american government owns every child living in america. This is not a metaphorical comment, this is a statement of fact. All children are recognized as, treated as, and officially decreed to be, subhuman pieces of owned property, belonging primarily to the government, with the government "leasing" the children to their biological creators/legal owners, for the purpose of Poison Container usage. Let us clearly understand that parenthood is a governmental entitlement. Adolf Hitler owned the german youth during his reign as Supreme Leader, and to the exact same degree and level, every american president, throughout the period of time that he held this supreme position, has owned all american youth, as official, although of course never verbally or otherwise acknowledged, as official governmental policy. Despite not using the word 'slave', it is clear from the above quote that Adolf is admitting that the german government considered all german children to be slaves, and this is true for every government of every nation throughout the history of the Modern Era. "The reason why the ancient world was so pure, light and serene was that it knew nothing of the two great scourges: the pox and Christianity." Wow, what an insight of Truth! I will assume Adolf was referring to the truly ancient world, dating back at least 25,000 years, because the Truth is that every single popular religion has been a great scourge upon humanity. Christianity just happens to be the most horrific religious plague, by far, to have infected humanity for the past 2000 years. Sadly, I fear there were plenty of earlier religions, dating back 2000-25,000 years, that caused plenty of worldwide human suffering and perversity. You have to go back at least 25,000 years to erase the toxic legacy of organized religion. "There is something very unhealthy about Christianity." This is an understatement by Adolf, the term "very unhealthy", I would have gone with a term like "genocidally toxic", but that's a minor point. The important thing is that once again, we see a revelation of genuine Truth, by a Supreme Leader of a society. This is what makes Adolf so unique, and why he is the only supreme societal leader who will be featured at this website, in terms of having a photo and a large number of admirable quotes included. "I realise that man, in his imperfection, can commit innumerable errors -- but to devote myself deliberately to errors, that is something I cannot do. I shall never come personally to terms with the Christian lie. Our epoch, in the next 200 years, will certainly see the end of the disease of Christianity. My regret will have been that I could not behold its demise." Understand that it is the goal of government to get it's citizen-slaves to devote their lives to constant, ongoing, "errors", in other words falsehoods, myths, lies, invalid rationalizations, etc... I love this quote because Adolf reveals religion for what it is: A lie. He calls christianity what it is: A disease. A plague, in reality, a toxic, contagious plague, that destroys the minds and the lives of human beings, and together, of all of humanity. Sadly, Adolf is a bit too optimistic in his prediction that the disease of christianity will be cured within 200 years. I think he knew that religion itself would certainly not be eliminated, since he understood how incredibly pathetic the Unwashed Masses of humanity are. Perhaps he felt that some other religion would come along and overwhelm christianity, since he specifically refers not to religion in general, but to one specific version of the god myth, christianity, in his above quote. Regardless, he was just a bit too optimistic. A religion like christianity is ferociously toxic, it cannot be done away with, because every single new generation of helpless children is genocidally, deliberately infected, as long as the malevolent Sacred Family Unit design structure of humanity is maintained. "As long as government is perceived as working for the benefit of children, the people happily will endure almost any curtailment of liberty." This is the final quote of Adolf's that I am choosing to list here, although I certainly found well over a dozen more that are just as profound and insightfully True as all of the above quotes are. I hope you creatures have started to realize just how brilliant a man Adolf truly was. Look at the above quote. Adolf could have said; "for the benefit of loyal citizens", or "for the benefit of the average man", or "for the benefit of the elderly", etc... But no, he was brilliant enough to recognize that it is the child-slaves who best serve in this propaganda role. The adults are already self-hating, broken, by the government. So you give them children to own as slaves, decree that the children should be used as Poison Containers, and then you unveil the huge lie, a lie so humongous that it is swallowed hook, line, and sinker, and embraced as being the gospel Truth, by you citizen-slaves. This is the lie that the government values and cares about, treasures it's children, and that all adults have to "make sacrifices" for the sake of the precious children. Ha! The Truth is that the government not only empowers and instructs all parents to viciously victimize their children on a genocidal scale, but directly commits even greater victimization, upon literally every single child, as part of it's core operational and design structure. Just a brilliant quote above, look at the insane issue of "child support". Males lose their freedom to keep the money that they work as slaves to obtain, if they create a child. Look at women in general, feeling terroristically compelled by society to keep and raise the children the excrete from their wombs, even when they hate the very notion of having to care for a child so much, that they kill the child. There are dozens of other examples of this Truth that I could list here. Okay folks, I trust that if you are one of the few genuine Superiors within the human race, you now view and understand the proper place that Adolf deserves to hold, within the consciousness of humanity. He may well have been a Supreme Leader of a government. But that should not be the personal accomplishment that he is best known/famous for. And certainly the perverse demonization and condemnation of his governmental activities and policies is not only completely invalid, but it directly indicates the terror with which other societal and governmental leaders view Adolf. This is not because of Adolf's political or personal ideologies or his governmental policies. It is because Adolf Hitler, above and beyond all else, was a brilliant philosopher of societally rejected and renounced and hidden, Forbidden Truth. We, as Superiors, must recognize this. We must study, understand, embrace, and accept the validity and the brilliance of Adolf's philosophical insights of Truth, a few of which I have thoughtfully reprinted above. Adolf deserves to hold the title of Brilliant Philosopher of Forbidden Truth, within the minds and consciousnesses of all sane, rational, Truth-seeking human beings. Let us be clear: In terms of Adolf's own behavioral choice to directly align himself with the society that is responsible for his childhood victimization and torture, even though this True Reality choice is a perfectly valid one, Adolf cannot and does not deserve to be viewed/placed on the same lofty pedestal of Martyrdom as all of the other pictorally featured victim-creations of society, within this website. At the same time however, the philosophical insights of extremely valuable Truth, and the Forbidden Truths that Adolf has publically expressed and revealed, far exceed the Truths that most other tortured victim-creations are able or choose to publically express. And it is because of Adolf's personal decision to reveal these Truths, that he is featured at this website and deserves to be recognized and treated as being a Truly respected, honored, revered, and Superior individual tortured victim-creation of human society. The Acting Mask: Hello! After a 16 year hiatus, The Seer of Forbidden Truth is pleased and proud to present a full-blown, Full Force, mind-blowing, full-length Main Manifesto essay. In this delightfully elongated essay, I will be comprehensively dissecting and exploring all aspects of the universal human perversion and dysfunction of mind that I name: The Acting Mask.This term is exclusively mine, while other human-borns may use the term, none of their definitional standards can be applied to this essay, and since definition is key to all understanding and analysis of Truth, I must now provide detailed and extensive definitional parameters to The Acting Mask, so that all who genuinely seek Truth can perform their own mind analysis of My brilliant revelations, with an absolutely accurate understanding of what The Acting Mask is.
The Acting Mask: a) A systemic and universal form of mental illness and dysfunction afflicting all humans, characterized by the pathological need to internally absorb and to externally reflect illusion, delusion, and pretense, within all core and primary aspects of their perceived consciousness as a Self-universe.
b) A subconscious and pathological need of humans, to cultivate and to maintain a public and interactive persona that is socially and/or culturally approved of and promoted, within the society that they claim membership.
c) Denial and suppression of one's own thoughts, feelings, and actions, both conscious and subconscious, undertaken and primarily inspired by external pressure and demand for conformity and to be judged morally benevolent and mentally normal and healthy, as decreed by the existing society and government holding the individual captive as mind hostage.
d) A universal human defect and dysfunction of the brain, manifesting as rejection of Truth and of reality, in favor of idolatry and embrace of the false, the artificial, and incessant deception, lying to oneself in parallel with lying to others, to create a functional environment, in totality, where Truth can neither be recognized nor given any value or importance.
e) A tactical, offensive weapon deployed by all 21st century societies and governments against all individuals at all times, from their moment of birth, which serves to keep all humans as mind captives within The Matrix of Universal Illusion. Meaning, the organized exaltation of adopting a socially accepted and desired persona, and acting it out as an ongoing Self-universe, under decree that it is necessary for the individual to succeed, to thrive, to be accepted, and to be judged normal and sane, as a member of the society and a citizen-slave of the government.
Okay, now, it is important that before you proceed, you reread and fully understand all five of these definitions. Each definition is different, each of the five uncloaks a different level of Truth regarding how The Acting Mask functions, and the various impacts it carries for the individual, as well as for humanity as a whole. While there is some overlap between and within these five definitions, each is uniquely different while all are equally valid, and it is in totality that the devastating impacts of The Acting Mask can be properly understood.
Consider: How can you see the world as it is, if you cannot see Yourself as you are? How can you see Yourself as you are, if you cannot see the world as it is? The Acting Mask is the universal poisoning of conscious mind. It is highly infectious, a pandemic so pervasive that of course it can never be recognized, because everyone is infected, everyone is wearing their mask, everyone is lying to everyone else, as they lie to themselves. And so the lie can never be seen for what it is. And I refer here not to any singular lie, or one hundred lies, or one thousand lies, but to the universal delusions that define every aspect of human existence, the very core of the Matrix of Universal Illusion itself!
The Acting Mask is the poison flowing continuously through the mind cavities of humanity itself, as a collective consciousness. Seekers of Forbidden Truth must absorb to full consciousness an understanding of the devastating depth of impact The Acting Mask has and holds, upon everything. Nothing would be as it is today, no idea, no system, no ideology, no human structure, were it not for the death-grip upon the collective minds of humanity, held by The Acting Mask.
The horror of The Acting Mask is equally internal and external. An internal failure of the Self-mind, expanded to billions of individuals, and an external failure of the collective consciousness that renders the internal failure impossible to even recognize, much less even begin to imagine attempting to mitigate. The Acting Mask thrives in perfect reflection of the mental derangement of humanity as a species, manifesting in everything humanity chooses to do, of course in harmony with what humanity chooses to think.
You, the humans, you are not lying. You are living out a lie. Actors on the stage of life, you have memorized your script to perfection, so perfectly that you have become exactly that which you once pretended to be. Jodie Foster is no more, Anthony Hopkins is no more, now there are only Clarice and Hannibal, forever lost to the script they have been brainwashed and terrorized and bribed to act out, and now to live out, forever.
The Acting Mask determines and dictates, on a real-time, dynamic level, how all of humanity collectively perceives itself, the external universe, and the relationship it perceives itself mandated to maintain with the external universe. And all of it is a lie, of course! Because how can an actor playing out a script given to him by others, manifest and reflect reality and Truth?? Of course he cannot, and he will not.
Listen up, you dull and deluded brain defectives: Self-perception absolutely determines and controls all external perceptions. The actor who wears his Acting Mask, absent fully conscious awareness and acknowledgment, can never perceive Himself accurately. He is and will always be hopelessly lost, estranged from all Truth to the same degree he is estranged from his own True Self. Of course he is, and of course he must be!
Go back to My five definitions above, now, and reread e). Understand it with a fresh and newly enlightened mind. The Acting Mask is much more than a personal failure of mind, and it is much more than a collective failure of human consciousness. It is, in itself, a weapon of genocide deployed against each of us, against every human brain, by every society and government, yesterday, today, tomorrow, every day, everywhere, going back thousands of years. "Here is your script, this is what you are, this is what we think and what we do. Here is your scripted reality, learn it, absorb it, live it out, and you will be forever embraced within the comfort and safety of The Hive Mind of Universal Illusion, as a valued member."
Internalized, externalized, universally imposed, and subjugated from all conscious awareness, think well how many different levels of dysfunction comprise the totality of The Acting Mask. Recognize how deeply ingrained it is, today, to and within The Matrix. The Acting Mask is literally the sustaining force by which The Matrix of Universal Illusion thrives in omnipotence, while remaining completely invisible to all mind perception of the Unwashed Masses of billions of human inferiors. Every actor feeds into The Matrix, and the end result is a human universe completely void of all Truth and reality, and even more primarily important, completely void of all individual human capacity of mind to perceive the reality of the void itself. Boom!!
Okay, now it is time to backtrack all the way to the beginning, and dissect every aspect of The Acting Mask perversion. Thankfully, I have the luxury of time and space to do so, in this Main Manifesto essay. It is not enough to know a Forbidden Truth, top-level Superiors must understand every aspect of how and why something as universally toxic as The Acting Mask came into existence, so I hope the handful of you who genuinely value Truth, realize how much you are missing if you only focus on reading My blog or Ideapod posts. It is still the Main Manifesto, and specifically full-length essays of 20,000+ words, that allow for maximum expansion of mind, to develop the thinking skills necessary for you to personally become and to function as, a genuine Superior.
Let's begin with the origin and genesis of The Acting Mask. How and why did it come to exist as a structure, and to develop into a devastating mind virus that exerts an impenetrable mind-lock upon all of humanity today? We have to go all the way back to the emergence of humanity as a species, and understand that, as I have revealed in other texts, the human being is a biological birth defect. His brain is genetically deformed and dysfunctional. Truth and reality, as organizing guideposts to existence, have never exerted or maintained proper foundational strength, for humans. Yes, the problem is much worse today than it was upon species origin, but that can be understood by bearing witness to the process of devolution, an inviable species spiraling towards extinction, unable to change, unable to see and to know itself within the light of fact, reality, and Truth.
The root origin of The Acting Mask is with individuals, human individuals, en masse. Born with deformed and dysfunctional brains, lacking the instinctual respect for Truth and for reality that is inherent to all other known species of life. Yes, some other species of life "lie", they deploy treachery and deception to assert and achieve dominance and control over their perceived environment, and to personally thrive in attaining necessary sustenance such as a food supply. But remember, The Acting Mask is not about lying, it is about being a lie, creating an entire universe based upon and rooted within, universal deception and illusion and falsehood and fantasy and pretense. No other species of life does this, or wants to do this, or tries to do this.
Because there is no instinctual respect for reality or Truth within the human brain, on a genetic level, The Acting Mask is able to gain a foothold within the brains of newborn infants, babies, and toddlers, even absent all external imposition, which still remains the primary method by which The Acting Mask achieves universal and pervasive embrace among all of humanity, everywhere, on a systemic and institutionalized level.
Cowardice and fear are two of the primary factors at play, influencing the development of he Acting Mask in infants, babies, and toddlers. The newborns and the young of other species are able to gain adequate comfort and nurturance from their immediate environment, or to "choose", within their brain function parameters, to discard the need for comfort and nurturance in favor of immediate sustenance as mandated by natural instinct. But the human baby, born as a genetic birth defect, cannot. Cowardice and fear may not be overtly displayed by newborns and babies, but they exert a devastating toll upon the deepest, subconscious folds of their brains, inspiring a desire to escape from reality and Truth. The achievement of mind comfort is able to gain precedence over absolute respect for fact, reality, and Truth. The Acting Mask allows for such false comforts to develop, grow, and take over the human brain, as a functional mind virus, which can also be accurately labelled as a mental illness.
Psychological pain and trauma and suffering are other primary factors at play. Development of The Acting Mask provides an illusion of escape from and termination of such pain and trauma. This is a false delusion, of course, but to the deformed human brain, owing no allegiance to fact, reality, or Truth, it is perceived as successfully solving an immense problem. You can feel better without becoming better. You can solve a problem simply by pretending it has been solved, pretending it does not exist any longer, rather than facing up to it, accepting the reality and the consequences, near and long-term, of it.
Every child exists within the universe as a subhuman, owned slave, a piece of property to be maliciously molded and shaped into the exact image of everything that represents the existing social and cultural standard of belief, behavior, and reality perception. I have, of course, discussed this at great length in numerous other essays, and will not repeat those profoundly important Forbidden Truths here. But in terms of understanding the genesis and the universal development of The Acting Mask, this horrific reality must be understood as playing a direct and primary role. The genetic deformation of the human brain at birth is what makes it possible for The Acting Mask to take root, develop, and overwhelm all of human consciousness, but there is a vast gulf between possibility and certainty. It is the overtly suffocating force of external imposition of the existing Hive Mind of Universal Illusion upon the consciousness of every child, that ensures, literally compels, every human child to both consciously and subconsciously fall prey to, and make the choice of, developing and using their own Acting Mask on a uniquely personal level. It is a choice, externally mandated and compelled. Therefore, not really a choice as you humans traditionally perceive the term. Nevertheless, the word choice is applicable, because in reality all human choices are externally inspired and compelled by the imposed force of the collective, existing reality as sponsored and promoted by society and government.
If you dwell within a large city, you might occasionally see a human out in public absent an Acting Mask. Usually he will be homeless, and what society, which embraces mental derangement, labels as "mentally ill". Society labels him mentally ill in order to demonize him and his refusal to wear an Acting Mask, and in order to cloak the mental derangements that personify social and cultural law, custom, and mandate. This homeless individual may dress abnormally, act abnormally, he may be shouting curses, or muttering to Himself, or digging through garbage cans looking for food. He may make odd gestures towards you, or laugh when you heard no joke or perceived nothing as being funny. All of his abnormalities, the term used by society, are in Truth simply freedoms. The freedom of mind to not wear an Acting Mask, to express his True Reality to the world, within his own Self-universe. The most basic, elemental of freedoms, yet he is demonized and punitively punished for daring to try to exercise them, for daring to defy the social law that all slaves must wear their Acting Masks.
Take heed, aspiring Superiors: Whoever is judged mentally ill by your society, carries with him precious and valuable Truths that your society seeks to conceal and to render invisible. So study him carefully and with great appreciation, try to learn from him, how to grow your own mind within the parameters of Truth, freedom, and love of Self. Honor him for possessing the courage and the strength to throw away and destroy permanently, The Acting Mask.
The Acting Mask is a problem of both the internal and the external mind. It begins internally, a result of brain defectiveness on a genetic level. But this internal development is, in itself, limited. It might never even reach the point of no return, the point where all Truth and reality becomes invisible and impossible to fathom, were it not for the relentless waves of external attack every child mind is subjected to. Fact: Every human adult who has not rejected and transcended his humanity, meaning 99.9999% of all human-borns, has been infected by The Acting Mask, and wears such a mask on a regular and ongoing basis.
"Do not touch your private parts!" "Smile when a human smiles at you!" "Interact with me! Look at me! Play with me!" "Be happy, I order you to be happy!" These are just a few of the root traumas that compel infants and young children to develop and to wear The Acting Mask. Giant terrorists impose their will, inspired by their own suppressed and denied trauma and suffering, upon these helpless children, demanding things, demanding the child conform and display specific behaviors, emotions, and interactions. Obey, and you are "rewarded". Disobey, and you are punished, hurt, deprived, made to suffer. Meet the demands of your terrorist mother and father and other caretakers. Act happy even when you are unhappy. Smile when you want to cry. Just do it! And so the terrorized child learns what acting is, that it must be done, that "they" want it, and whatever "they" want, they must be given. "Awww, look how cute, she is acting just like I taught her..." The nightmare, as most nightmares, begins with the horrors of parenthood and the Sacred Family Unit.
The Acting Mask is concretely rooted within every aspect of human existence. No child is allowed to grow up, to develop mental strength and maturity, without being forced to wear this mask. If the child refuses or resists, he is punished, demonized, terrorized and threatened, subjected to the forced alteration of his brain chemistry via mind-altering substances, given "therapy" that instructs him he is damaged and stupid and mistaken and must stop expressing and reflecting reality and Truth. It is the collective failure of the human mind, externally imposed by force upon every individual internal mind, from birth, at all times, relentless and suffocating, that compels every child to fall victim to, and to ultimately accept, to one degree or another, the social demand that they put on and wear their Acting Mask.
The Acting Mask came to exist and to thrive as a way for humanity to maintain the illusion that everything is and will be okay, in denial of the Forbidden Truth that nothing ever has been, is, or will be, okay. The Acting Mask allows for every human desire to be perceived as an accomplished reality, absent all such accomplishment. It is the ultimate collective human homage to the sanctification of the imaginary over the real, the lie over the Truth, the fantasy over the reality.
This seems like a good place to analyze exactly what "acting" is, in relation to The Acting Mask. Everyone who wears The Acting Mask is, of course, acting. But how must acting be defined and understood, in order for the functional parameters and consequences of The Acting Mask to be properly perceived and known?? Analyze My words of brilliance here with great care, because if you fail to understand what acting is, you will fail to properly grasp an understanding of The Acting Mask.
You humans choose to perceive acting as some type of artistic expression, an "art form", a form of entertainment and diversion, a skill and a talent to be nurtured, honed, perfected. A creative triumph of the individual mind. The best actors are the ones who can make you believe that they are the character they are supposedly only pretending to be. Acting is decreed to be an honorable job, and good actors are lavishly rewarded with fame and money, two of the most primary illusions and delusions of success and personal accomplishment invented by The Matrix of Universal Illusion. The "best" actors are literally idolized as pseudo-gods, held up as an ideal standard, an ideal specimen of humanity, for all children and adults to aspire to personally attain.
Now, let us clearly understand the reason why actors and acting are judged and perceived in this light: It is a direct, open-air conspiracy of The Matrix of Universal Illusion, to both subconsciously and consciously persuade all humans to eagerly and enthusiastically embrace and wear their Acting Mask. By legitimizing and honoring acting as a professional and personal triumph, and professional actors as being stellar examples of personal achievement and accomplishment, all humans are brainwashed to believe that to act out a script within their own life path Self-universe, to present a False Face to others as well as to themselves, is not merely an option, but something they need to do, an honorable choice that is rewarded, respected, and marks them as possessing a healthy and superior mind.
But what is the reality? Polar, exact opposite. Acting is a direct symptom of profound mental illness, weakness, and dysfunction. To act is to betray Yourself, in direct parallel with betraying all Truth. To act is to abandon your own Self-universe, in favor of the creation of an illegitimate, imaginary illusion. To act is to lie, not merely to others, but far more perversely, to Yourself. Of course it is so! The "good" actor must successfully wear the mask of his character, he must delude Himself into believing that he is the character he is pretending to be! You must be mentally ill to be a good actor, and acting itself directly causes you to become more mentally ill than you already are. The more you act, the more mentally ill you become.
Right now, in the 21st century, there are numerous, highly ritualized, yearly "awards shows", in amerikkka they are called the "oscars", the "golden globes", the "emmy's", the "screen actors guild" awards, and so on. Literally a parade of highly publicized, internationally broadcast awards shows for acting. Who wins these awards?? The "best" actors. And who are the "best" actors?? The best liars, the actors who are judged best at being able to pretend and fool you into believing they are someone who they in fact, are not. It is these actors who are glorified and idolized, lavish praise and perverse illusions of reward and riches heaped upon them. And why does 21st century western society do this? To glorify lying, to subconsciously entrance all citizen-slaves to embrace and to celebrate lying, deception, illusion, falsehood, and The Acting Mask, as a highly valuable and necessary skill and talent that you should aspire to practice, to perfect, and to engage in on a daily basis. The glorification of acting, is the glorification of The Acting Mask, in tandem The Matrix of Universal Illusion uses both of these perverse human failures to create a society where Truth, reality, and fact are buried forever, universally shunned and ignored, invisible to the conscious mind of the typical human.
Acting is a failure of the individual human mind, a failure of the sacred obligation every individual must proactively embrace, to nurture and to blossom his own Self-universe within the glorious light of fact, reality, and Truth. You can see the devastation wrought by acting, in the overtly graphic suicidal ideation of many former child actors, and the high rates of substance abuse, sexual addiction, and overall contempt for Truth exhibited by the vast majority of adult actors. The functional inferiority of the average human, is magnified many times over by the severe and profound dysfunctionality of virtually all current and former professional actors.
If humanity were sane, acting would not exist as a job, a profession, a creative skill, or a form of entertainment. The very idea of pretending to be something that you are not, as a form of entertainment for others, much less as an honored profession and great skill to aspire to achieve, would be immediately and fundamentally recognized as being absurd and ludicrous. It would be an idea dismissed without any consideration. Acting would be one of the primary descriptive symptoms of mental illness, a sick and Self-harming projection of illusion and delusion, made at the terrible cost of sublimating and undercutting one's own personal capacity to grow and develop, nurture and mature a mind-universe capable of knowing and embracing and thriving within fact, reality, and Truth.
The very idea of allowing, much less encouraging, any child to act, would be deemed preposterous, a premier example of severe and criminal child abuse. For a child to act, is the same as a child being forced to abandon and betray his supremely vulnerable and fragile Self-universe, as he is trying to develop it, as he is trying to decipher reality and Truth and his place within the external universe. Acting is the destruction of reality and of Truth, how can it be possible to justify allowing a child to act, much less encouraging it, legalizing it, making it an esteemed profession??!
Here we are, in the 21st century, and western regimes proclaim with pride that their child labor laws prevent children from being forced to perform labor for money, and yet any slaveowner can force any child not only to take acting "lessons", but to audition for acting jobs, to perform as an actor, to labor as an actor, for money, even as this job is without any doubt one of the most dangerous and definitively harmful of all jobs, of all forms of labor. To force a child to act is to literally destroy his capacity, as a vulnerable and undeveloped mind, to accurately distinguish fact from fiction, reality from fantasy. It warps and dismantles any capacity of the child to engage in a Truth quest.
But of course that is exactly what every society and government wants: To render fact indistinguishable from fiction. To make Truth impossible for you humans to recognize. The harm caused by acting is immense, it is a literal gateway to the imposition of a universal Acting Mask upon all humans.
And, as we know, humanity as a species is functionally deranged. And so we have both acting, and The Acting Mask, universally embraced and feeding off of each other, enhancing each other, legitimizing each other, as they literally starve every human mind into a state of comatose captivity, entranced and enchanted by an endless series of ongoing illusions and delusions, as Truth itself is forever stomped into eternal non-existence.
The difference between professional acting and delusional fantasy, is tiny. Acting encourages and facilitates delusional fantasy. Children and adults alike, traumatized, terrorized, unable to cope with the True horrors of life, having no "training" as professional actors, succumb to delusional fantasy by the billions. They don't need training, they are taught by society that to lie to Yourself is good, right, normal, honorable. And so easy to do. You can make your delusion whatever you want. You can concoct any fantasy you want, and choose to believe it. No rules, no limitations, nothing like a barrier of actual Truth. And so every human derangement flourishes. Why face the horrific Truths of death if you can wallow within the joyful delight of a delusional, eternally paradisiacal afterlife?? Every delusion is born within the diseased petri dish you call "acting", acting, a toxic infection of the brain that spreads faster than any cancer cell.
Are delusional fantasies "helpful" to those who cannot bear to accept Truth?? The better question is, why are they unable to bear Truth? How can their brains be healed and strengthened so that they can reject the comfort of delusional fantasy? Is it "helpful" to permanently cripple a brain by granting it permission and encouraging it to not even try to recognize what Truth is, much less to courageously try to embrace it within their own Self-universe?? No, that is not helpful. It is what the practitioners of mind genocide do, right now, in the 21st century, as they deliberately engage in the destruction of all human potential to recognize their shackles and to rise up in rebellion, wearing the armor of a powerful mind shielded and guided by Truth and by the courage of Self-love.
Acting, fantasy, delusion, illusion, these are paralyzing drugs deployed as weapons by society and government against all mankind. The lie can get you just as high as marijuana, cocaine, alcohol, methamphetamine, and the lie is far more effective as a pinpoint weapon of mind control, because, well, literally, the high is the lie. Under substance high, you are at least free to form your own perverse delusions. Under the lie high, the exact parameters of the delusion are already built-into the high itself! The only thing to get high on, is the actual lie. Are you tripping yet, you brain-dead mind-slaves?!
The actor gets high on the lie, but so does the audience. Don't you see, can't you understand?! Nobody worships Peter Pan as being god, but the fact that you chose to watch an actor pretend to be Peter Pan, and embraced the delusion, for a brief period of time, as you were watching, that the actor was Peter Pan, directly facilitates the imposition of the Insane God Myth upon your conscious mind. It makes you more easily addicted to the lifelong terrorism and slavery of religion, because you got high on the Peter Pan lie, and you liked it. So you want to get high again, only this time it is the jesus christ lie that ensnares you in its toxic web.
Let us understand, the human obsession with acting as an escape from reality, directly exposes the immense horror of everyday life. Each of us is being terrorized, traumatized, victimized on a daily basis, destroyed and murdered in real-time. Everyone seeks to escape from reality, because they seek to escape from this Forbidden Truth, which of course they cannot even begin to consciously acknowledge to themselves. Universal suffering is what gives life to the mind plague of acting and illusion/delusion, while at the same time the embrace of acting and of illusion/delusion, renders universal suffering impossible for you humans to accurately perceive. Yet another horrific example of the catch-22 situation, within which a perfect circle of dysfunction renders enlightenment of mind, and the embrace of primary-level Forbidden Truth, impossible to achieve.
So now, let's get into a series of specific examples and illustrations of The Acting Mask at work, this will bring to open awareness the immense scope of how this personal mind failure and universal weapon of The Matrix of Universal Illusion, is operationally deployed. First, we need to understand that The Acting Mask is not limited to individuals. Entire groups, cultures, social movements, wear and use The Acting Mask to collectively maintain and strengthen their universal delusions and illusions. Additionally, on an individual level, The Acting Mask can be worn both without, which is far more common, but also with, conscious awareness. Some humans, a small percentage of the population, are consciously aware of the fact that they are wearing an Acting Mask, at least some of the time. Let's analyze all of these differences and nuances:
The stereotypical perception of the typically inferior human, upon being confronted with the concept of The Acting Mask, is to envision an enraged individual, smiling and acting friendly towards other individuals, while secretly seething with rage, hate, and a desire to hurt or kill them. And yes, this is one example of The Acting Mask being worn and utilized, but it has nothing to do with defining or understanding what The Acting Mask is, and the role it plays within human existence. The Acting Mask transcends the individual, it cuts through consciousness, the subconscious mind, and completely unconscious motivational impulse. It shapes the mind universe of humanity as a collective whole, therefore it is a building and a sustaining foundational force of The Matrix of Universal Illusion.
The Acting Mask, absent overtly conscious awareness that one is wearing a Mask and choosing to do so for tactically independent reasons, feeds upon itself, it is a monster that grows and strengthens via the collective force of the disease that is humanity itself. An example: Humans gather at a large stadium to witness a professional sporting event. Everyone who gathers there is acting, pretending, creating and feeding into a pure illusion and delusion. They act as if something important, grand, meaningful is about to happen. They impose passion, anticipation, excitement upon the upcoming event. They care about what happens. Each individual feeds the social Mask, as they wear their individual Mask. Collectively and together, something that is 100% artificial, meaningless, a staged performance, is psychologically transformed to an epic saga. Meaninglessness is granted profound meaning. A toxic distraction becomes a focus of intense mind reverence.
The Acting Mask is the ultimate form of negative energy, the unreality of individual delusion and rejection of Truth, gathered together and transformed into a tidal wave that submerges and drowns all human potential of individuals to even want to try to see themselves, and the world, as they actually and Truly are.
Look at external love, something that does not exist. But everyone wears their Acting Mask, pretends to love others, claims to love others, and so others feel loved, and so nobody can see that the only love is Self-love, nobody can even be motivated to try to love themselves. Why try, when you are already loved by others? So, external love is not a problem of the individual wearing his Acting Mask. No! It is a problem of the social Acting Mask, it is the collective, maliciously imposed lie of society and government, put forth as mind terrorism upon the collective psyche of humanity as a species. Only a very small percentage of the individual humans who profess to love others, are consciously aware that they are blatantly lying, that they are putting on a theatrical performance via an Acting Mask that they are wearing.
As a weapon of society and government, The Acting Mask must remain invisible to the conscious minds of the vast majority, the vast majority of the time. The enraged individual might well know he is wearing his Acting Mask when he smiles at his boss, as he envisions plunging a dagger into both of his eyes, but he remains completely oblivious to the hundreds of other daily life path circumstances, behaviors, and reality perceptions, within which he is also wearing an Acting Mask. This duality of consciousness is devastating, because it deludes the individual to think he can see, know, understand himself, when in reality he functions within pure delusion, swept up within the collective tidal wave of toxic imagination that is promoted and popularized by society and government.
Look at abortion, a perfect example of a social debate held within the death throes of The Acting Mask. The pro-abortion cult collectively reinforces the deranged delusion that what is being murdered is not human. To fight for the right to have an abortion is a fight for human freedom, for the dignity and gender equality rights of women. A noble struggle against oppressive forces. The individual Acting Mask feeds the collective Mask of illusion, as covertly promoted by an ultra-diseased regime like amerikkka. And so helpless children are dismembered and murdered via open-air genocide, as highly intelligent, educated, civilized adults wax poetic about the sacred need for women to enjoy the freedom to have abortions. The Acting Mask is at the epicenter of such cultural perversions of mind, ensuring that nothing can ever be seen and known within the clear and honest light of factual reality.
Because humanity exists as mind-slaves, blindly compelled to validate each other within collective agreement, every time an Acting Mask is displayed by one individual to another individual, Truth dies just a little bit more. The Forbidden Truths as I have articulated them within my brilliant texts, are buried even deeper. Think how many billions of humans display how many trillions of Acting Masks to each other, each and every day! This is the life force of The Matrix of Universal Illusion! This is how and it is why, nothing can ever be seen, known, and understood by you humans, collectively, within the beauty and glory of reality, fact, and Forbidden Truth.
A lie is just a lie. One person deceiving another, deliberately or within the void of his own delusional brain, is merely a deception. These are terrible things, but they are isolated to individual states of consciousness. The Acting Mask is something completely different, it is a force that shapes the world by elevating the lie, lifting the deception, to the point where it gains the credibility of a million, of a billion, universes of Self.
As I have revealed within my texts, I Myself do wear an Acting Mask. Why would I do that, as The Seer of Forbidden Truth, if I am whole-mindedly devoted to sanctifying all Truth, at all times??! The answer is this: No human who honors, manifests, and reflects the Forbidden Truths of human existence within his own Self-universe, is allowed to exist within open public access, unless he wears an Acting Mask in public. To not wear such a Mask would result in my extermination from the external world, carried out by the organized terrorism that is the government holding Me hostage as citizen-slave.
Every government on planet earth is functionally identical, compelling every human being to wear an Acting Mask when openly interacting with fellow humans. Now, the amount of time such a mask must be worn, varies. The exact circumstances under which the mask must be worn, varies. But the wearing of the mask is not optional. Yes, there are a few humans who never wear an Acting Mask, but they are hidden away in prisons and asylums, where the Truths they manifest are lost from the world, and where they can be victimized and oppressed with full impunity, as they are destroyed by their creators. As we all are, only the time-frame varies. And yes, time is an illusion in itself, since to die is the exact same end result as to have never been born.
Do not forget, human inferiors: Every weapon used against us, can also be used by us, and so it is with The Acting Mask. The Superior always knows, with full consciousness, exactly when and exactly why he is wearing his Acting Mask. He deploys his Acting Mask to gain and to exert tactical advantage over others, not really to extract from them, but to nourish Self, as his own True Reality dictates.
The serial killer, the mass murderer, the aspiring assassin, the genuine revolutionary who aspires to subvert and bring down an entire culture, society, government, all of these outlaw minds should consciously and mindfully deploy their Acting Mask, to help gain tactical opportunities and advantages that would not be possible absent the wearing of their Acting Mask. And so a perverse weapon created, nurtured, and deployed by society against all individuals, can be turned around by an individual, seized and used by him in ways society and government does not want, in ways that honor his own True Reality, rather than render him a mind slave to The Matrix of Universal Illusion.
Analyzing this position on an even deeper level of consciousness, we can clearly understand that The Acting Mask plays a direct role in dooming humanity itself, in rendering all positive human progress impossible. Therefore, when an individual dons his Acting Mask, for whatever reason and purpose of intent, he is directly contributing to the destruction of all human potential, and helping to bring about the near-term extinction of the species. A delightful illumination of consciousness the Superior can savor and enjoy, in contrast to the billions of inferiors who wear their Acting Masks in a state of mindless oblivion, absent all conscious awareness of these and all other Forbidden Truths. Awareness of Truth, reality, the actual circumstances of a situation and of a social structure, changes everything. Within the rare light of Truth perception, the top-level Superior can thrive in any situation, overcoming the social shackles of mind control, even as he may be compelled to function within these shackles at times.
We who are anti-social predators who know and understand ourselves, know and understand why we are what we are, wear our Acting Masks out of tactical necessity. We may be proud of our tactical prowess, but we are not proud of the fact that we must wear The Acting Mask. We do so because it is tactically wise, even as we condemn to eternal damnation the human structures and doctrines responsible for compelling us to wear The Acting Mask. And so, while not a source of pride, we try our best to wear the Mask well, because it is useful, and because in a war one must do what is necessary to survive and to thrive.
And we know who the Best Actor really is. The Best Actor is the real-life serial killer, mass murderer, assassin, who sheepishly smiles and reassures the suspicious old lady walking her poodle down the block, that everything is and will be alright. The best actors never get awards, applause, or riches. The best actors work in real-life, stalking the shadows, exposing the nightmare none of you fools are willing to watch, as you hide behind and within your Acting Masks.
For the Normals, the teeming masses of inferiors, The Acting Mask fits well. But not for the enraged Superior. No, the Mask prickles and chafes and rubs, like a tight and narrow pump on an inflamed bunion, to act normal when you are not normal, is so much more stressful than it is to act normal when you are normal. Rage and hate are much closer to the surface, the urge to scream, "I hate you!", so much stronger. But we keep the Mask on, at least for now, at least for awhile. Because we know and understand the tactical benefits of doing so.
We should understand that it absolutely makes a profound difference, whether or not an individual is fully and consciously aware of the fact that he is wearing an Acting Mask, at all times. Partial or limited awareness is almost completely useless. The awareness must be absolute and complete. The Superior individual must always know exactly when he is putting on his Acting Mask, exactly why he is choosing to wear his Acting Mask, and exactly when he is taking off his Acting Mask. Only within this consistent and absolute awareness, can he successfully subvert this devastating weapon of social mind control, to his tactical and mental health advantage.
As a general rule, a Superior should only wear an Acting Mask when he is engaged in direct interaction with fellow humans, in select circumstances and with fully conscious awareness. He must know he is wearing the Mask, and he must know why he is choosing to wear the Mask. There are different reasons the Mask may be worn, ranging from an overt need to deceive others in order to gain tactical advantage, to a routine choice to blend in rather than to stand out, as may be necessitated on a daily basis if one is forced to engage in slave labor or have other ongoing interactions with humans. It is important to understand that The Acting Mask should not be worn at all times when out among humans. Absolutely not! It must and should be selectively worn, with conscious awareness of when it is safe and appropriate to briefly shed it. Like a snake sheds his skin, the Superior must effortlessly shift between shedding and wearing of his Acting Mask.
I have described in other essays My own experience of shedding my Acting Mask as I approach the entry door to my residence, insert the keys, open the door, and venture inside. This is always an orgasmic pleasure and delight for Me. For Superiors, it is a catharsis of mind and of consciousness that should not merely involve a state of awareness of the "shift". No, it must go much deeper, it must manifest as a radical change within the core depths of your Self-universe. The freedom of mind that is experienced absent The Acting Mask must be profoundly realized as a core shift of conscious mind, a genuine "rebirth" that changes everything.
All Superiors should live alone. If you do not live alone, absent human infestation, you are not a genuine, top-level Superior. Only when you are completely alone, can The Acting Mask be completely shed and abandoned on a constant basis. Therefore you must live alone, in a place free of all direct human contact. Failure to follow this rule will absolutely devastate all possibility of gaining the benefits of severing the social shackle of The Acting Mask. You cannot claim the human(s) you dwell with are also aspiring Superiors, or "soul-mates", or that they have their own room and you don't really see them much at all... No! These are all perverse and stupid rationalizations. Your dwelling must be an isolation chamber, void of all human contamination. The near-daily horror of being forced to commingle with humans in public, must be counter-balanced by a human-free zone, a haven that is never breached by these walking and talking and intrusive sentient viruses.
When out among humans in "public", The Acting Mask is always "there", even when it is not being worn for a selective period of time. It is still there, ready and waiting, lurking in the background. You are not free from this shackle when you are out in public, even when you are not actually wearing the shackle. You must understand and know this Truth. Only within an established and controlled zone, guarded by lock and key, established as being free of all human contamination via personal action, can the True benefits of extended freedom from The Acting Mask be embraced and realized.
This is why the haven of home isolation is vital. It is here, and only here, that you can gain the perspective that is needed, to perceive the chasm between being forced to wear The Acting Mask, and being free from all capacity of The Acting Mask to impact your Self-universe and your ongoing life path choices. Better to be alone in a tiny shack in the woods with no electricity or running water, than to have even a single human housemate, no matter his nature or his level of mind consciousness, within a huge, 10,000 square foot, ten bedroom mansion built with every amenity. To spend time with humans is to subject Yourself to the toxic poison they exude by the very nature of what they are.
Should you ever wear The Acting Mask when you are safely alone, within your Self-created human-free zone? The answer is essentially: No. There is no reason to voluntarily wear such a shackle when you are isolated from all immediate possibility of human contact. Understand that analyzing something is not the same as being controlled by that thing. Quite the contrary, these are polar opposites. You can and you should consciously dissect The Acting Mask, as I do in writing this essay, without, of course, putting the Mask itself on. In fact, putting on The Acting Mask will destroy your capacity to analyze and understand its impacts within freedom of mind.
The Acting Mask is something that should only be worn when forced to interact with humans. You can wear it offensively and defensively when having such interactions, and sometimes even both offensively and defensively at the same time. Meaning as a proactive weapon of attack, and a defensive weapon of protection. But absent direct human contact, the subversive and tactical value of The Acting Mask is completely lost. It becomes only something harmful that hurts you, something that sabotages your capacity to dwell within the light of Truth recognition, acknowledgement, and embrace. Knowing this, and knowing exactly when you are wearing your Mask, on a level of mind consciousness, allows you to completely shed and to never be either consciously or subconsciously tempted or enticed, to wear your Acting Mask when you are alone and safe from all risk of immediate and imposed human interaction.
Society and government fears the "loner", for many different reasons. One reason being that the more time an individual spends isolated from other humans, the more opportunity he has to develop the independent thinking skills that are required for any individual to become aware of The Matrix of Universal Illusion, and to overtly pierce this Matrix, and decide to try to break free of the social shackle of control that is the Hive Mind. One of the great pleasures of being a full-fledged loner, is the opportunity to shed your Acting Mask for lengthy periods of time. Not so much if you are forced to perform slave labor, but still, to maintain a residence completely void of all human infestation at all times, is very healing in terms of mental health as it must be Truthfully defined, and provides opportunity to break free of the social shackle of The Acting Mask. For this reason, loners are demonized and ridiculed and condemned by all modern era societies and governments. In itself, being a loner threatens the universal mind-control of coercive peer pressure, and the toxic enmeshment of interpersonal slavery, two of the most effective weapons of The Matrix. We who are hard-core isolationists should know and understand that we gain a significant advantage in terms of capacity to break free of the harmful impacts of The Acting Mask, simply by embracing isolation and thriving best while absolutely alone.
One of the most effective ways to prevent humans from gaining the advantages of isolationism is to relentlessly promote Sacred Family Unit mythology, encouraging, rewarding, coercing, and bribing humans to agree to live within family units. Within such a toxic environment, The Acting Mask is always being worn, and the capacity of the individual to gain any type of longer-term isolation from human contact is essentially lost. This is just one reason why the Sacred Family Unit is such an effective, devastating weapon of society and government. Make it impossible for a human to gain long-term isolation, and you effectively eradicate his opportunity to recognize The Acting Mask for what it is, and to figure out the huge benefits to his own Self-universe that he can gain, by shedding his Acting Mask for sustained and lengthy periods of time.
On a personal level, The Acting Mask is perceived by wearers as a form of protection. On some level, usually subconscious, most humans are aware that others wear Acting Masks. This subconscious knowledge psychologically compels them to wear an Acting Mask, under the theory that they will be at a disadvantage should they not wear such a Mask, while the human(s) they interact with, are wearing such a Mask. The goal of every society and culture is to convince all citizen-slaves that the wearing of The Acting Mask is a standard and usual practice, normal and to be expected, while at the same time dismissing and rejecting all suggestion that it is a form of mind control, behavioral manipulation, or that it is sometimes overtly promoted or compelled by the society itself.
It is interesting to note and to analyze the difference between human-to-human interaction, versus human-to animal interaction. The Acting Mask is most rigidly worn when humans interact with other humans. When humans interact with pets, dogs, cats, goldfish, or animals within the natural wilderness, there is much more likelihood that The Acting Mask will be lowered, or even completely shed. Why is this so? The primary reason is because fellow humans are our natural and greatest enemy. Even if we are too brainwashed to consciously acknowledge this Forbidden Truth, we know it on a subconscious level. Humans are dangerous, not to be trusted, liars. Humans have harmed us, each of us is a direct victim of universal child abuse as mandated and promoted by humanity collectively, to give just one compelling illustration. The liar always fears being lied to, even as he embraces the lies he is told. Mutual deception is the status quo.
But the human relationship with animals is different. Even as most humans seek to extract the illusion of love from animals, and to manipulate them into begging for food, twisted sadism cloaked as kindness, the human senses, on some level, that the animal is a Superior form of life. Less dangerous than humans, not a pathological liar, unable to develop intricate plots of deception and revenge and betrayal. And so the perceived need to wear The Acting Mask is reduced, even though the desire to wear it is still maintained, for the typical, inferior human. Superiors know, of course, that it is safer to shed your Acting Mask in front of any animal, than in front of any human. But still, we are also isolationists and we reject all toxic emotional interactivity. That is why most of us do not have pets, which is in reality the enslavement of an animal, and also do not seek out contact with animals in their natural environments. We meet our own needs, by ourselves, for ourselves. It is one of our great triumphs
Now, I want to revisit the issue of just how harmful The Acting Mask is. I have already provided several examples in this essay, such as external love and abortion, of perverse social structures that can and do only thrive because of the fact that humanity, collectively, wears an Acting Mask of socialized deception, everyone lying to everyone else, as they lie to themselves, in the process rendering Truth impossible to perceive. But we need to dig deeper, we need to understand and to know that every human problem, every human failure, every diseased human ideological and operational structure, has roots, direct roots, within The Acting Mask.
Let's do...ten examples, fleshed out in detail. I could do 50 or 100, but for the sake of time and space, ten should be enough to allow any sane thinker to appreciate how and why everything could change, not would but could, in a radical way, if only the scourge of The Acting Mask could be eradicated from all human consciousness, which is of course an issue I will fully address later in this essay.
Ù "Everything is okay!" No, nothing is okay. Nothing has ever been okay, nothing is okay, nothing will ever be okay. We are walking corpses, pretending to be alive. But nobody will acknowledge this Forbidden Truth. "Things are okay, everything is okay, I woke up today, I am breathing, I can pretend that everything is okay, and so I will." The Acting Mask is at work, billions of humans lying to themselves, as they lie to each other. The pretense that everything is okay cripples all human potential to try to make things okay, and this pretense can and does only thrive within the functional reality of the socialized Acting Mask.
Ù "I'm okay!" No, you are not okay. You are a torture victim, you are a tortured victim-creation of a monstrosity that has deformed and crippled you, mind, body, and soul, on a daily basis since the moment of your biological conception. You are suffering. You are being murdered. You are enslaved. Your potential to thrive has been, is being, will be, overtly destroyed by external forces that have already destroyed you, internally. So no, you are not okay. But within The Acting Mask, you pathetic creatures consistently validate and impose, upon Self and upon others, this perverse lie that you are okay, and therefore everyone else must pretend to be okay too.
Ù Religion: All organized religious rituals occur within the confines of the socialized Acting Mask, groups of humans gathering together to pathologically legitimize perverse delusions of a heroic, supernatural savior protecting them from the True horrors of death. To be religious is to be an actor playing a role, pretending to save Yourself as you ensure nobody can or will ever be saved.
Ù Parenthood: Every parent wears an Acting Mask, pretending to be engaged in a noble and historical quest to perpetuate his own legacy, even as he engages in the ritualistic abuse and destruction of a helpless child in reflection of his own childhood destruction. "I love my child(ren)", this is the universal lie demanded by the socialized Acting Mask, and it manifests within every parent, able to rationalize any and every act of destruction and harm, under the universal lie of love. "I only spanked him because I love him", "I did it all out of love...", etc... Even parents who outright murder their children by shooting, suffocating, stabbing, cling to the Acting Mask of love: "Now he will be in heaven, forever safe and loved, I did him a favor, all out of the purity of my love..."
Ù Freedom: Everyone pretends to crave freedom, seek freedom, savor freedom, celebrate their experience of being free, even as they remain hopelessly trapped within multiple cages, unable to even define what freedom is, unable to perceive the shackles of their infinite slavery, all because of the universal Acting Mask of reflective Self and external delusion. The Acting Mask creates and enables a universal illusion of freedom for those who do not have it but believe they do, and a universal illusion of what freedom is, for those who know they do not have freedom, leaving them to perversely seek not freedom, but the false delusion of what it is, as defined via the socialized Acting Mask.
Ù War: Patriotism and nationalism are two illustrations of the most virulent type of socialized Acting Mask, an open-air conspiracy of government to blackmail and to extort behavioral obedience up to and including voluntary suicide, the genocide of children, and the act of murder carried out as official representative of the very structure guilty of and responsible for your own lifelong oppression, victimization, slavery, and murder. The socialized Acting Mask demands blatant, blind, irrational support and devotion to the regime holding you hostage, with no conscious acknowledgment. Like a tidal wave, this Acting Mask is ruthlessly exploited by government, with the Insane War Ritual as the peak level of Self and universal delusion among the citizen-slave population.
Ù Self-harm: "Everybody is doing it, we have to join in!" From smoking to skydiving to wearing high heeled shoes, humans choose to engage in a virtual orgy of activities that overtly harm Self, body, mind, and soul. Fear is decreed an enemy, something to be rejected and sublimated, it must not be shown. Instead, delight, pleasure, and excitement are faked within the Self-mind, artificially constructed and presented to others. And so the Mask grows stronger, enticing more and more humans to join in on the "fun". While the Forbidden Truth motivation of pathological Self-hate and suicidal ideation, remains forever buried from conscious awareness.
Ù Charity: The Acting Mask in full bloom, humans delude themselves to believe they are kind and moral and care about others, by giving away material possessions, or their illusion of time, to "help" those they believe to be suffering more than they are suffering. Every act of charity is a False Face within which the oppressed feed their mutual delusion that they are not oppressed, but in fact lucky and privileged. And so they embrace, enable, legitimize their own oppression, lacking all conscious awareness of what they are doing. Remember this Forbidden Truth: The greatest harm of The Acting Mask is always in how it harms You, destroys your own capacity to recognize and embrace Truth, rather than how it may harm others, or cripple human potential on a universal scale.
Ù Sexual Contact: Always rooted in the need to dominate, oppress, own, hurt, impose trauma upon a fellow human, interactive sexual contact is always presented as a benevolent offer of care, love, affection, appreciation. "I like your body!", says the aspiring rapist, as he admires his own illusion of honesty, when in reality he likes the thought of brutalizing that body and terrorizing the brain behind the body into agreeing to serve as his sex slave. The Acting Mask permeates every aspect of human sexual contact, from first initiation of interest, all the way through marriage. Nobody will ever reveal any Truth here: "I want to hurt you", "I want you to hurt me.", I need to own you as a slave so that I can feel like I am less of a slave..." No, The Acting Mask is mandatory for the perversion that is human courtship.
Ù The Family Unit: Ground Zero for The Acting Mask, here we can witness multiple Mask layers, worn one on top of the other. Everyone wearing their False Face, burying their hate and rage and desire to hurt and humiliate. Brother and sister, parent and child, husband and wife, every relationship poisoned by pain and trauma, but never openly acknowledged. Only sometimes, with children, you can see The Acting Mask fall, as they try to hurt each other in honest reflection of their own trauma. With adult humans, there is only a simmering cauldron of negativity, always hidden by The Acting Mask, as demanded by society, until it breaks and there is an explosion of violence or threats or venomous curses, only to be followed by the Mask being donned again, with apologies, begging for forgiveness, the perverse plea of "Please baby, I love you, give me another chance", etc...
So, with these ten examples you can begin to understand how universally harmful The Acting Mask is, how it permeates every aspect of human existence, and is an all-pervasive negative force, destroying all human potential to understand on an individual level, why one thinks, feels, and acts as they do, and on a social level, why humanity collectively thinks, feels, acts as it does, and chooses to develop and maintain it's diseased and deranged ideological and operational structures.
Let's shift gears just a bit, and pose this enigmatic question: Does outlaw violence occur within the confines of The Acting Mask, or does outlaw violence manifest as the shattering of The Acting Mask, an individual breaking free of and rejecting his Acting Mask, on a level of full or partial mind consciousness??
The answer is the latter, in a vast majority of cases. 95% of the time, outlaw violence occurs outside of the confines of The Acting Mask, it occurs within the shedding by the individual, of his Acting Mask. He may very well wear his Acting Mask until minutes before his act of outlaw violence, and put it on again within minutes of ending his act of outlaw violence, but within the actual act itself, the Mask is shed. Conscious awareness of this removal and wearing is of significant tactical value, but is not a determinative factor in whether or not the Mask is actually shed during the act. Rather, the only valid judgment as to the mask being shed or not, must be made by the individual himself, in hindsight, upon contemplating his own actions, within the sobriety of a conscious embrace and understanding of his own True Reality, a feat that many humans are functionally incapable of.
As outside judges, we can only go by the act itself, in terms of whether it shatters the socialized Acting Mask of compelled behavioral conformity and obedience, and the vast majority of acts of outlaw violence do. On a level of socialization, spanking a child fails to shatter The Acting Mask, but plunging a steak knife deep into the chest of a son or daughter with intent to penetrate all the way through the body, does shatter this Mask. And acts such as serial murder, mass murder, and assassination, also shatter this socialization Mask, although the possibility always remains that the individual himself is still trapped within a personal Acting Mask, even during the actual commission of his act of outlaw violence. That is why my percentage is fixed at 95%. It is not an absolute rule, and the socialized Acting Mask must be understood as differentiated from the individual and personal Acting Mask.
When it comes to legal violence and murder, things like spanking, boxing, war, abortion, the death penalty, euthanasia, sport hunting, and the like, the situation is much more clear-cut. These are social rituals, conceived of, popularized, and promoted by societies within the confines of The Acting Mask. Therefore, individuals who directly participate in, or even just overtly support on an ideological level, such legal violence, are always wearing their Acting Mask to some degree.
All violence that transcends The Acting Mask should be applauded and supported by all Superiors and all who honor and respect Truth. All such violence represents a direct attack upon and against The Acting Mask, which causes millions to billions of times more harm and destruction, on a universal scale, than any singular act of outlaw violence does cause or can cause. Outlaw violence shatters The Acting Mask on an individual level, and it allows for the socialized Acting Mask to be breached as well. The fact that 99.9999% of all humans are too broken and brainwashed to bear witness to this breach, and to avail themselves of the opportunity to try to recognize and break free of their own Acting Mask shackles, does not alter the reality of the breach itself, or the opportunity it provides.
Those of us who openly breach and attempt to expose the function reality of The Acting Mask, be it via written essay or via dynamic outlaw violence, be it with absolute consciousness of Mind Wide Open, as is the case with Me, or within an ongoing struggle to expose and destroy the Mask as it impacts their own Self-universe on an ongoing basis, are heroic figures who deserve only respect, honor, and appreciation. We are Truth warriors engaged in the only battle, the only war, that can ever be worth fighting: The war to destroy what is guilty of and responsible for destroying each of us, each of you, and humanity itself as a species.
To wage war against The Acting Mask, is to wage war on behalf of Truth and on behalf of Self, within the footprint of love as it must be defined and understood. To drown, or to be saved from drowning, that is the choice. We who dismember The Acting Mask choose to save Ourselves from drowning, and by this choice we offer you, with deliberate intent or not, you the pathetic inferiors, your very own lifeline, to grasp and to cling to and to save yourselves. If you cannot, or will not, that is your failure. We will celebrate your drowning, celebrate your failure, because it proves the Forbidden Truth, it proves you are a species doomed to extinction, incapable of evolving within the light of Truth.
As Superiors, let us consciously know and understand that every major and primary human perversion, failure, dysfunction, and problem can be directly traced to and linked to, the existence and the universal human embrace of The Acting Mask. From war to crime to death to child abuse to religion to self-hate to Truth rejection, and everything in-between.
No problem can ever be solved until it is first recognized, identified, and acknowledged. And so I ask: Who on planet earth has properly identified The Acting Mask as a primary cause of universal human failure, a direct cause of human genocide of mind and of body?? Who has outed this Forbidden Truth in writing or on videotape or in any public venue??? Nobody else, only Me. I give you the exact and specific problem, I identify it, I explain it, I dissect it in intimate detail. And in the process, I reveal exactly how the problem can be solved.
Of course identification and acknowledgement does not actually solve the problem, in and of itself. But it is the essential and vital platform upon which a legitimate attempt to solve the problem can be made. Meaning: Were The Acting Mask eradicated and eliminated from the collective mindscape of humanity and rendered non-existent, actual attempts to try to solve all primary human problems could be made. But as things stand now, with The Acting Mask in place as a universal structure controlling the mind parameters of all mankind, it is 100% impossible for humans, as a small group, large group, or collective force, to make any legitimate attempt to solve any existing primary-level problem.
Of course it is so! How can you even begin to try to imagine deciphering the solutions, when you are psychologically imprisoned and barred from being able to perceive, identify, and acknowledge the problems?! Within The Acting Mask, everyone is collectively collaborating, absent all conscious awareness of mind or intent, within the subliminal and cloaked advocacy of The Matrix of Universal Illusion, to render the actual problems impossible to perceive. Because if this is achieved, there is nothing to even try to solve, so long as the problems are kept invisible from the collective consciousness of humanity. And that is exactly what The Acting Mask is designed and intended to do, and exactly what it does. That is why I identify it as being a premier, top-level weapon of genocide deployed and utilized for this exact purpose, goal, and end result, by every 21st century human society and government.
So, let's move forward and try to envision humanity existing absent The Acting Mask. Is such an existence functionally possible today, given the severe degree of devolution of mind of the species, and the fact that it is on the very verge of extinction?? The Forbidden Truth answer is: No. The Acting Mask has been so intricately woven into the deepest fabrics of human existence, that to pluck it out is both functionally impossible, and if done, would result in universal chaos leading to extreme near-term species extinction. Absent The Acting Mask, humans would be forced to directly and abruptly confront a whole host of Forbidden Truths that they find unbearable and impossible to integrate to their True Realities, meaning the sum total of their perception of reality as it has been externally imposed upon them, and internally integrated by them.
We must understand that all human weaknesses and defects of mind are both genetic and environmental in origin. Failure to acknowledge or address the genetic deformation and birth defect status of all human brains, has led to an uncontrolled level of environmental mind poison permeating every current society and culture. This is why humanity is broken beyond all possibility of repair.
It is perfectly possible that The Acting Mask could be eradicated from the human mindscape, but only if the genetic birth defect status of the human brain were to have been openly accepted as scientific fact thousands of years ago, and sustained, overt efforts undertaken, for many generations, to directly mitigate the dysfunctions and abnormalities of mind process caused by this birth defect status. But of course that was never done, and now it is too late to try, and impossible for the human brain to accept itself as being biologically defective. And to be absolutely clear, the universal and pathological human obsession with acting, pretending, fantasy, illusion, and the embrace of falsehood over Truth, is absolutely rooted in genetic brain abnormality and defectiveness on a species-wide level.
Structurally, The Acting Mask cannot be eradicated from human consciousness at this point in time, by human effort. It is too late. The fact that individual humans, a handful of top-level Superiors such as Myself, can and do thrive absent The Acting Mask, does not translate to the species itself possessing the capacity to purge this core-level, integrated failure of brain functionality. The only hope of humanity overcoming this disease of mind, would be violent and intrusive intervention by another species, in which the existing herd of inviable humans are culled by the billions, with their newborn children reared within an antiseptic environment free of all adult human mind contamination, where fantasy and illusion and acting are prohibited and overtly identified as mind toxins inspired by genetic brain deformation that must be mitigated and overcome.
In My texts I always reveal and honor Truth. That is why I will not offer up a plan of action for humans to currently undertake, that could in theory eliminate The Acting Mask, when as factual reality, it is not possible for humanity to choose to accept or undertake such a plan of action. Right here, if you are sane and Superior, you can understand how profound my insight of Forbidden Truth was, earlier in this essay, when I stated the impossibility of coming up with a solution, if the problem is itself not identified first. 1000 years ago, if the birth defect status of humanity were identified and acknowledged as a problem, the current problem of The Acting Mask would not only not be unsolvable, it might already have been solved, generations ago.
So, I think I have covered most of the primary issues of what The Acting Mask is, how it functions, the devastation it wreaks, and why it is one of the primary structural defects of humanity, playing a primary role in the current, ongoing, and irreversible devolutionary death spiral of the entire species. But there are still a bunch of questions and side-issues that deserve to be fully addressed, even though I have already discussed them, to some degree, above. Let's get to it:
As top-level Superiors, should we completely purge and eliminate The Acting Mask from our own conscious minds?
The answer is definitely: No. The reason is because The Acting Mask is much more than just a disease and dysfunction of the brain. If it were only that, a complete purge might be appropriate. But no, it is in fact an overtly deployed offensive weapon of all human societies, governments, and The Matrix of Universal Illusion. Every human-born is directly targeted via attack from The Acting Mask. The only way to effectively defend against these attacks is to know exactly what The Acting Mask is and how it functions within socialized mode. This allows the Superior to defend against and defeat this weapon, and turn it, use it, against society and government. We must retain the capacity to wear our own Acting Mask, under specific and limited circumstances, even as we are always fully conscious of how this weapon is being used against us, and of the fact that we must never be tricked, enticed, or brainwashed to wear such a mask absent fully conscious awareness that it is being worn.
If we eradicate the profession of acting, will this impact our capacity to eradicate The Acting Mask?
An interesting question to contemplate. The perversion of professional acting, with its glorification, celebrity status, and irrational hero worship, absolutely does play a role in strengthening, popularizing, and encouraging all humans to wear Acting Masks. If professional acting had never come to exist, it is likely True that The Acting Mask would not be as popular and universally pervasive as it is today. But it did come to exist, and at this point in time, eradicating professional acting, in practical terms, is almost as impossible as eradicating The Acting Mask. Acting has been integrated and mind-melded to 21st century human consciousness as something that just "is", something that requires no explanation or justification, something good and positive, a needed form of entertainment. Nobody would take you seriously if you went public with a proposal to outlaw/ban professional acting. You would just be ridiculed and ignored. Convincing the Unwashed Masses that acting and actors are a direct cause of harm to their mental health and capacity to recognize and embrace Truth, would be impossible and bring more ridicule and shunning. And of course, targeting actors in a campaign of violence would only result in you being labelled insane and locked up in a cage. So, while the question is intriguing, there is no practical way, by force or by ideology, to awaken the dull-minded to the need to eradicate and eliminate acting as a profession or as a form of entertainment.
Has The Acting Mask become more rigid and required in recent centuries, and if so, why?
The answer is Yes. As a species devolves, all of its pathologies and perversions of mind will deepen and become more severe. We see this Forbidden Truth demonstrated via The Acting Mask. 300 years ago, actors existed, and they were appreciated as entertainers, but there was no organized cult of idolatry as there is today via celebrity worship is covertly promoted by the medias of all societies. 300 years ago, non-violent emotional outbursts of rage and hate were more commonly accepted than they are today, and even fistfights often resulted in no arrests. Even rape was more socially accepted, a man could walk up to a woman and say, "You look good, do you wanna get fuc*ed??", without facing criminal or even social sanctioning. So yes, The Acting Mask shackle is more suffocating and rigid today. Another reason why, beyond devolution itself, is because as human slavery becomes more visible in historical context, slavemasters feel the need to focus more on mind slavery than on body slavery. Because mind slavery is so much easier to conceal and to deny. So now, compared to 300 years ago, the degree of mind slavery has increased, absent all conscious awareness of course, even as the illusion and lie of body slavery having eased, has been successfully brainwashed to the dull-minded masses.
Another intriguing question: How often do humans know, on a personally conscious level, that they are wearing an Acting Mask?
This is difficult to answer, because there are so many variables at play. Human consciousness is not black and white, there are infinite shades and degrees. An individual may realize on some level that he is deliberately projecting a False Face as he interacts with another, but then on a different level his interaction is instinctual and he is out of touch with the reality of his acting. An individual may not want to know that he is acting, so even as he is acting, and aware of this fact to some degree, he blocks this awareness from entering full consciousness, simply because he does not want to face up to this Truth about himself and his actions. You can wear an Acting Mask within complete Self-delusion, or absent all Self-delusion, or a variable mixture of Self-delusion and Self-awareness.
So, top-level Superiors always do know exactly when and why they are choosing to wear their Acting Mask, and it is always worn within conscious choice. But when it comes to the typical human, all bets are off, and each individual and situation is different. Even as an individual might be completely aware of his Acting Mask when talking to his hated boss, he might be completely unaware of his Acting Mask as he spanks his hated son, because he has no allegiance to Truth and the hate he possesses towards his son is buried within his subconscious, a place he is incapable of accessing, much less analyzing and understanding.
Moving on, How much pleasure should the shedding of The Acting Mask provide, to aspiring and top-level Superiors?
I've addressed this earlier in this essay, but to happily elaborate, a whole lot of pleasure. This type of shedding, upon arrival and entrance to your private residence, should be joyful and orgasmic, it should be experienced as a moment of great freedom, arriving after a prolonged period of captivity. Absent The Acting Mask, one should be fully immersed in his True Reality, possessing a mind free of all limitations and obstructions, able to go anywhere and do anything, feel anything, bordered only by the valid parameters of his own True Reality. Humanity, society, and all aspects of the external universe should be force-faded to temporary oblivion, as the Superior experiences a rebirth of his own Self-perfected, Self-universe, each and every time The Acting Mask is shed in this manner.
What about selective shedding of The Acting Mask while in public? Is this safe to do, and should it provide as much pleasure as private residence shedding?
When you consciously choose to shed your Acting Mask in public, it should be done within a tactical plan. Just as you should always know why you are choosing to wear your Acting Mask in public, you should also know exactly why you are choosing to not wear, to shed your Acting Mask in public. "Because I feel like it", is not a good reason. In general, if you are a top-level Superior, it is safe to shed your Mask in public, within conscious and tactical awareness. But not as safe as when you are enjoying the isolation of being in your private residence. As a top-level Superior, I am very selective in my choices of when to shed my Acting Mask in public, and to what degree. When you shed your Acting Mask among humans, while they wear their masks, you place Yourself at a tactical disadvantage. In general, except under very specific tactical actions and situations, you should not experience as much pleasure with Mask shed in public, because extreme pleasure does compromise code yellow tactical awareness to some degree, and it is always prudent to maintain high-level tactical awareness whenever you are commingled with humans.
What if a drug, sonic weapon, communicable virus, or other device could be developed that would prevent humans from being able to wear Acting Masks?
That would be great, and the end result would be near-term species extinction, because humans have never been able to cope with or function within the stone cold sobriety of reality and Truth. Would love to witness the chaos that would result from a sudden and universal loss of all Acting Mask capability for all humans. But of course such a weapon would be both difficult to develop, and even more difficult to successfully deploy on a wide, much less planet-wide, scale.
What if I form and maintain a long-term, psychologically or intellectually intimate relationship with a fellow human, will we be able to consciously shed our Acting Masks and enjoy mind freedom together, if we isolate from other humans in a private residence?
The answer is: No. It is very, very unlikely that such a scenario could be played out successfully. Humans pathologically lie to each other and wear their Acting Masks, at all stages of a relationship. It makes no difference if the relationship is long-term. Even if you directly and openly discuss The Acting Mask with each other, and claim to mutually understand and embrace all of the Forbidden Truths concerning this structure, and mutually agree to stop wearing this Mask while privately interacting, it is almost certain that one or both of you are lying, and/or unable to actually shed the Mask even if you sincerely try. It is simply not worth the time and effort, and you will never know for certain if the other party has shed their Mask or is only pretending. As I consistently reveal: The Superior must thrive in absolute isolation. All interpersonal human relationships are toxic and destructive to the realization of an untouchable and thriving Self-universe of infinite Self-love, which should be the aspirational goal of the Superior.
And so we are reaching the conclusion of this seminal essay. Let Me make sure my Acting Mask is off, for these closing words. Let Me be certain that I am not acting, that the stage curtain has closed. Because I want to say this: It is 2018 as I type these words, and I am still an actor. I don't act often, I try hard to minimize my acting, yet still, sometimes, I act. Still, sometimes, I wear The Acting Mask. Even though I do not want to wear it, I wear it. And I wear it well. I despise acting, yet I strive to be the best actor in the history of the universe, during those times I must be an actor. I am not an actor by choice, but by need. A need externally generated, a need maintained by the terrorists guilty of my creation.
I am an amateur actor, but very talented. Nobody claps for Me, but thankfully I seek no applause. The best actors perform on the stage of real-life, and nobody else, no bystanders or observers, knows when they are acting, or what character they are portraying. I portray the character of Me. A character I know intimately. I am exactly who I pretend to be, and I have my very own audience wildly applauding my every word, my every move, my every deed, from the safety and security of my own untouchable mind.
That is My victory, an actor who owns the stage upon which he carves out his performances.
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![]() This is Elizabeth Bathory, Tortured Victim-Creation of 16th century Hungarian/European Society. My very next essay will dissect the issue of Feminism and gender bias, and the inclusion of Elizabeth here, just before this essay begins, is beautifully and perfectly fitting. This is because your feminist movements over the past century have all been and continue to be, utterly pathetic shams, in which you perversely delude yourselves into thinking that your societies are addressing the issue of gender bias, and reforming their malicious policies on this toxic form of societally endorsed and legitimized discrimination, even though nothing could be further from the Truth. This woman, who lived 500 years ago, was far more of an accurately reflective feminist, than any publically known american female who claimed the label of feminist, throughout the entire 20th century. This is because Elizabeth reflected the Truths of her society, the utterly malevolent, specifically gender-based evil that her society imposed and inflicted upon her, and that virtually all human societies of the Modern Era have inflicted and continue to inflict upon their female citizen-slaves. Martyr Elizabeth was extremely wealthy, labeled as extremely beautiful by 16th century European standards, and she was in fact a member of a culturally elite, "royal" family. And yet none of these so-called "positive", "lucky breaks" that she experienced, in any way reduced the degree of personal victimization, abuse, torture, that was inflicted upon her, as well as upon all other female members of her society, very specifically as a result of gender bias policies and societal edicts. In addition to viciously torturing hundreds of her female servants, it is believed that elizabeth either personally killed or had killed upon her direct order, at least 650 young women and girls, during the course of her lifetime. She then bathed in their blood, explaining that she believed that such blood baths were good for the skin and overall health of a person, and would keep her beautiful. There is absolutely nothing insane or irrational about this belief that Elizabeth had, or her decision to act upon it, to do whatever it took to remain physically beautiful. Her society, just like 21st century american society, taught and told her that maintaining physical beauty was extremely important, solely because of the fact that she was born of the female gender, as opposed to the male gender. Today, in the year 2002, countless thousands of female humans in america "choose" to undergo plastic surgery, every such surgical procedure involves a deliberate risking of life for no valid, rational, or sane reason. It is clear, to any sane thinker, that whatever mental dysfunction Elizabeth may have suffered from, the degree of her mental dysfunction, and the misdirection of negative emotion displayed by Elizabeth, were both less severe and less personally harmful, in and of themselves, than the immense mental illness and complete betrayal of Self that countless thousands of female humans in the year 2002 demonstrate, in choosing to endanger their lives upon the perverse and evil command of their society, in order to try to pointlessly modify their physical appearances via surgery, surgery that has absolutely no medically valid basis, solely for the purpose of trying to meet the current, insane societal standards of female beauty. Slaughtering 650 fellow females, is a saner manifestation of personal victimization and rage, than choosing to endanger your life by undergoing needless plastic surgery. It's also worth noting that Elizabeth targeted not males, but rather females, in her long spree of bloodletting. Again, this is an accurate reflection of the utter scorn and disdain with which her society viewed the safety, lives, and welfare of it's female population. Current societies all operate under this same gender biased doctrine, officially sanctioning and encouraging, on a specific gender biased basis, the genocidal victimization and dehumanization of it's female citizen-slave population, to a greater degree than the victimization and dehumanization of it's male citizen-slave population. I certainly hope that none of you creatures, having read and absorbed the Truths that I have already outlined within this Manifesto, are laboring under the delusion that Elizabeth "should" have targeted males as victims, or would have been expressing her True Reality in a more legitimate or valid manner by targeting males. Yes, she did have every right, as a tortured victim-creation of a gender biased society, to target members of the gender that was primarily responsible for the genocidal victimization of not only her, but of all women of her generation, born into that society. But in terms of accurately reflecting her own True Reality as well as the overtly malicious nature of the society that is guilty of and responsible for her victimization, her choice to target young females as victims is perfectly reflective of her True Reality. She simply expressed/reflected the profoundly evil societal decrees regarding the worthlessness and subhumanity of females that was imposed upon her by her society, upon her female victims, just like male serial killers do today. What makes Elizabeth worthy of our respect and fascination, is the fact that she found the internal strength and self-love required to primarily direct her societally induced rage and hate outward, not inward, something that very few male humans, and even fewer female humans, have ever been able to do, throughout the history of the Modern Era and including the current generation of humanity. Treated as being far more subhuman than even male children, Elizabeth was told at age 10 that she would be married to a specific male, in other words, made into his slave, and at age 15, her family did indeed force her to marry this man, thus guaranteeing that unlike some male humans, who might have been able to enjoy a few pretenses of freedom when they became adults in terms of age, she would never enjoy a single moment of freedom, as decreed by societal law. She was doomed to be enslaved to her family as a child, then while still a child, her ownership would be transferred, against her will, to a male human of her family's choosing. The man she was enslaved to at age 15 was a "professional soldier", in other words a legal murderer, homicidally enraged and overtly violent/cruel. Throughout Elizabeth's entire childhood and in fact entire lifetime, she was victimized, kept as a total slave, brutally oppressed within every imaginable notion of freedom, autonomy, individual empowerment. She reflected back at her society, just a small portion of the limitless malice that her society chose to inflict not only upon her personally, but upon all members of her gender, all females. So let us recognize that if in fact the label of "feminist" has any definitional legitimacy, an issue I will be exploring in my next essay, then from any sane, Truth-based perspective, Elizabeth Bathory has to be recognized as a genuine, Superior feminist, far more of a feminist than the so-called feminist "leaders" of the 20th century, none of whom revealed or expressed the True nature of genocidal female victimization within human society, with the accurate reflectivity that Elizabeth did. Rage, hate, and reflectivity of personal suffering. This is what your societies create, and it is what they rule in terror of. They devote their regimes to convincing you torture victims to not recognize your own victimization, to become convinced that you deserved whatever suffering you experienced and will experience in the future, and that you are so worthless that if you start to feel genuine rage and hate, you should insanely direct these emotions inward, victimize yourselves further, help your enemy to destroy you. Let us honow Elizabeth, a tortured victim-creation of her society, who rose up, recognized the Truth, and rejected the malevolent efforts of her society, to get her to victimize herself and direct her rage and hate inward. "It is my duty to be good to my husband and keep myself beautiful for him. God has shown me how to do this so I would be unwise not to take advantage of the opportunity."------------Elizabeth Bathory. You might think that the above quote by Elizabeth doesn't seem very "progressive" in terms of feminism, but as always, an embrace of Forbidden Truth requires Superiors to analyze all situations from all angles. Deeds versus words, the immense power of societal brainwashing, and in this particular case, the fact that 400 years have passed by within human society since Elizabeth made the above quote, and not a single so-called "feminist" has even come close to being able to get their society to terminate the insane and toxic institution of marriage, or to eliminate the stranglehold of fascist physical beauty laws that societies impose upon women. In fact, only a tiny handful of feminists have ever had the courage to even publically state a genuine desire to eliminate the institution of marriage or to eliminate insane beauty standards of their society. Was Elizabeth a philosophically insightful, pure feminist? No. But by her actions alone, she proved herself to be a feminist, and within a Truth-based movement, a so-called feminist movement, she would be recognized as being a true Martyr and profound, pure victim of gender biased, societal victimization. Gender Bias/Feminism: This essay is currently under construction. Due to current financial and time limitations, it is unclear when this essay will be completed. Please check the Latest Updates page in order to stay up to date with the most current information on my ongoing Forbidden Truth projects and activities. See below for a brief but fascinating outline of the primary topics and issues that will be dissected within this particular essay. Please note that this thumbnail and sketchy outline in no way represents or lists all of the issues that will be discussed within the completed essay. It is simply designed to give you a very brief, very general understanding of some of the most important topics that will be discussed, and Truths that will be revealed, once this essay has been completed. This does not mean that the current contents of this essay outline are less valuable than any of the completed essays at this site. It simply means that the brilliant Truths that are revealed within this brief outline are not 100% complete, as the essay itself is not 100% complete. Nevertheless, it is vital that all students of Forbidden Truth who seek to maximize their understanding of the full spectrum of Forbidden Truth philosophy, carefully read, analyze, and integrate all of the Truths that are revealed within these essay outlines. We will begin with a very detailed and comprehensive definitional analysis of what gender bias is, as well as how and why gender bias is practiced, as an official governmental and societal policy, in the same manner that racial discrimination, economic oppression, and other official societal policies are practiced. We will discuss the fact that even though gender bias can and certainly is used by women against men in certain specific and isolated circumstances, the reality is that human governments and societies are specifically designed and structured, with malice aforethought, to enable and legitimize gender bias by men, against women, and therefore the bulk of this essay will focus upon gender bias in which women are specifically oppressed and victimized. We will begin to broaden the context of this essay by comprehensively defining the word "feminism", and how this term is used by both men and women. We will discuss the fact that despite extremely popular notion that "feminists seek equality for women", the Truth of the matter is that the feminist movement and all of it's empowered leaders and spokespeople, are in fact willing members of the very societies that they claim to be battling to reform with regard to gender bias, and that in almost all cases, all they seek from their society are illusions and pretenses of gender equality, not actual and genuine equality. We will backtrack a bit at this point, with a detailed outline of exactly how and why female human beings have been oppressed and victimized, within a very specific, gender-based manner, throughout all of human history, by male humans and societies whose supreme leaders were male. We will discuss the role that genetic mental inferiority played and continues to play in this gender biased system, we will discuss the human need to victimize fellow humans in order to cathartically cope with the horrors of personal victimization and suffering for which society/government is responsible, and how this translates to ritualized gender bias. We will discuss the fact that all human societies, as part of their core brainwashing efforts, promote the victimization and oppression of physically weaker creatures, both human and animal, by physically stronger creatures, and how this translates into a universal embrace of gender bias, based upon the fact that the average female human is physically weaker than the average male human. Finally, we will discuss how and why the issue of supreme leadership within a society, is extremely important and plays a primary role in making gender bias popular and unconditionally accepted throughout the world, based upon the fact that almost all supreme leaders of societies, along with their top elected or appointed agents, are of the male gender. We will discuss the trickle-down method of societal oppression, namely, how human governments retain the loyalty of their adult male and female populations, despite pervasive gender discrimination, bias, oppression, and victimization, by creating a trickle down system of genocidal mistreatment based upon gender, age, and species, in which men are empowered to oppress women, and yet women are empowered to oppress children, and both genders are empowered to oppress other species of life, thus allowing women to cope with and causing them to accept the gender bias that is committed against them, based upon the fact that they are able to cathartically transfer this bias upon other living things, primarily children. We will analyze and discuss the many useless, cosmetic "reforms", in reality nothing more than false pretenses, that societies engage in to try and cover up the reality of their utterly gender-biased societal structures, for the purpose of appeasing their female population. We will discuss the fact that the vast majority of female humans are so broken, self hating, and have been so traumatized by the gender bias that they have experienced throughout their entire lives, that on a core, True Reality perception of life, they in fact do not believe that they are equal to men, or that they deserve to be treated equally. We will outline several behavioral examples which prove this Truth, such as the insistence by females to wear high heeled shoes, even though many societies claim to allow women to wear pretty much any footwear they wish, from a legal standing, as well as the insistence by many women that they be treated differently from men, that cursing not occur within their presence, that men pay for their meals in some situations, etc... We will discuss the fact that no human society within the so-called "Western", first world, during the Modern Era, has ever even considered trying to declare as public policy, that equal, non-biased treatment of women, is either acceptable or appropriate. We will discuss the fact that just as all societies are deliberately built upon utterly disciminatory platforms as regards ethnicity and economic class, this same insane and diseased structural platform has always been built and continues to be built upon, gender bias/discrimination. We will discuss how and why society encourages it's adult male population to better cope with the horrors and injustices of their lives, by convincing them, on an emotional level, that they are very lucky to have been born male, rather than female. We will discuss why societies, although they absolutely do work very hard to appease and control both their female and male adult populations, have a significantly more vested interest in appeasing the male population, first and foremost. We will discuss the fact that in many ways, gender bias as practiced by ultra-diseased societies like america, is even more brutally unjust and overtly discriminatory than ethnic or economic discrimination, one of the examples that will be provided to demonstrate this Truth, is the fact that in america, black adult humans were given the legal right to vote in elections, long before female adult humans were given this right, which is for practical purposes useless, but does serve to indicate the degree of interest that society had, in providing an illusion of freedom and of the "human status" of the oppressed group. We will discuss why gender bias has been and continues to be practiced with lesser attempts at concealment and illusion than other forms of discrimination, focusing upon the fact that female humans have always been more willing to accept and even to embrace their oppression and victimization, on a gender-based level, than most economically and ethnically oppressed groups, as well as the fact that women have consistently refused to take up arms and rise up with threats and demonstrations of revolution and intent to overthrow the existing governmental regime, thus all malevolent societies, which only put effort into pretending to reform their genocidally evil policies if they believe a direct, imminent threat to their structural integrity exists, have been able to get away with the slowest and least credible pretenses of reform, when it comes to this one specific type of discrination, gender bias. We will discuss in detail, exactly how Sacred Family Unit mythology and the societally decreed importance of the "getting" of a man by a woman, have always been and continue to be, primary, core methods of gender oppression and victimization as overtly imposed by government, via it's cultural design structures. We will revisit the issue of abortion, this time focusing upon the gender bias and feminist issues that this form of legal murder, specifically targeted towards women, raises and reveals. We will discuss the fact that abortion serves a very specific, very important and desirable societal purpose. Namely, it provides an outlet for the homicidal rage and other types of violent emotions that women experience, as a result of their genocidal societal victimization, allowing them to commit murder via abortion, as a cathartic outlet for their rage, and therefore it serves to misdirect the rage and hate of women, from all serious focus upon the gender bias that they are specifically being subjected to, as well as the citizen-slave victimization that all citizens, female and male, are subjected to. We will discuss the fascinating fact that so-called feminist groups and feminist leaders, perversely, reserve their most strident and desperate demands, to the issue of keeping abortion legal and making abortion easy for women to obtain, rather than addressing any of the genuine, legitimate forms of brutally harmful gender bias that their societies inflict upon all women, not just young, pregnant women who are so homicidally enraged that they desperately need to kill a child in order to cope with the injustices and traumas of their lives. We will discuss the utter perversity of so-called feminist groups and leaders focusing not upon these massive injustices, traumas, and discrimination, but instead obsessively focusing upon the results, the end consequences of these horrific injustices, namely the need by women to vent their homicidal and other forms of societally induced True Reality rage. We will discuss the fact that the feminist position and strident activism as regards abortion, along with other invalid focus, proves that mainstream feminist leaders and groups have absolutely no interest in demanding an end to gender bias, and in fact all feminist leaders know and recognize that their evil societies have absolutely no intention to ever provide equality to women, just as they have no intention of ever ending racial or economic bias, and therefore what feminist groups and leaders focus upon, is trying to provide women with invalid, misdirected ways to cope with and accept the gender bias they are subjected to, as well as to provide false and fake illusions of societal reform. This is exactly what the government itself does, therefore the so-called feminist movement is in fact directly aligned with, accepting of, and supporting of, the genocidally malevolent, gender-biased structure and policies of the government. We will discuss the fact that the american government wants abortion to be legal and practiced, and all mainstream feminist leaders in america want abortion to be legal and practiced, for essentially the exact same fascist, manipulative, rage dissipating, philosophical and ideological reasons, and the notion that this is a valuable "freedom" or an activity that provides genuine empowerment to women, is ludicrous. We will discuss how brilliant a tactical brainwashing move the government has made, to align itself with feminists in such a way as to create the false illusion that both entities, the government and feminist organizations/leaders, are working towards ending gender bias, when the reality is that neither entity has any intention of even trying to put a serious dent into, much less end, the gender bias upon which the entire social order is designed and structured. We will discuss how and why the deliberate societal portrayal of women as being fragile, delicate, helpless, and vulnerable, within the media, cultural, fashion, and other popular venues, serves to cause female humans to willingly accept the fact of, and even directly cultivate these personal weaknesses, and how it then becomes perfectly simple for these weaknesses to be used against women, to justify their gender-based oppression and victimization. We will discuss how the societal imposition of the perception of weakness and vulnerability within the conscious and subconscious minds of women, warps their ability to perceive reality, recognize the victimizations that are committed against them, and strips them of all natural, instinctual self-esteem, self-love, and self-confidence, to an even greater degree than men are stripped of these valuable, irreplaceable, instinctual self-perceptions of personal reality. We will discuss the human genetic failure of believing that you, as an individual, need to be cared for and cared about, by other humans, and how this genetic fault is nurtured and encouraged more within females than within males, by society. We will probe and analyze the interesting question of whether the laws of nature dictate that male humans have an instinctual right to oppress and victimize female humans, based upon the fact that the average male human is physically stronger and larger than the average female human, and within many but certainly not all animal species, larger and stronger members of a species routinely dominate and impose their will upon smaller, weaker members. We will conclude that if a society of humans chooses to create a society and pretend that the society is based upon intellect and civilization, then an official societal policy supporting the ritualistic oppression of women by men, such as currently exists, cannot be rationally justified. We will briefly revisit the issue of high heeled shoes, and how this specific item of clothing is used to artificially create an additional degree of vulnerability and weakness in female humans, and how males are overtly encouraged to not only make note of, but to overtly exploit this artificially induced physical weakness. We will discuss the fact that notwithstanding the slight increase in females engaging in strenuous sports activities in recent years, in some societies, which is in fact nothing more than a newly devised illusion of and pretense towards equality, even strong female athletes, feel culturally coerced and compelled into retaining physical gestures and public demeanors/appearances that display/suggest weakness. We will discuss the importance that society places upon making males seem much stronger physically than females, and how this includes overt taunting and both public and private ridicule of physically weak men, as part of an effort to coerce as many male humans as possible into "working out" and otherwise trying to make their muscles and their physical appearance unnaturally large. We will refocus our attention to the feminist movement, discussing how a genuine, Truth-based feminist movement would be extremely unpopulr among women, men, and society, which is why there is no feminist movement in existence, and never has been, that was based upon Truth and a genuine goal of achieving gender equality within the social/governmental structure. We will specifically discuss why such a valid, Truth-based feminist movement would be rejected and condemned by virtually all women, more women than men in fact, would condemn it, because such a movement would involve the rejection and dismissal of virtually all of the perverse lies, myths, and brainwashings that society has imposed upon all girls and women, from the very day of their birth throughout their entire lives. We will outline in detail, exactly how this type of genuine feminist movement would be structured, what it's philosophical and ideological tenets would be. We will discuss why any legitimate feminist movement would demand the complete elimination of the marriage ritual, the complete elimination of the notion that women who give birth are "mothers to children" who need to care for and raise those children, and the complete elimination of all Sacred Family Unit mythology, as the absolute core, root, foundational and ideological precepts of feminism. We will discuss why the notion that feminism should "empower women by making them free to choose exactly what they wish to do in life", is utterly ridiculous and guarantees that feminism will always fail to achieve any legitimately valid goal of equality, based upon the fact that only one out of a million 21st century adult citizen-slaves, male or female, has been able to recognize and reject the massive societal brainwashing that they have been subjected to since birth, to the degree where they are able to make sane, Truth-based, self-loving decisions and choices as to how to live out their lives, and what societal edicts/decrees to reject and condemn, in recognition of their oppressive, discriminatory, lie-based structure. We will discuss the fact that a genuine feminist movement, if it had the support of women, would pose an immediate, immense, and very severe threat to the very foundation of all existing societal structures, and why this has caused governments to pay very close attention and devote a great deal of effort towards making sure that no genuine feminist movement can exist to any degree. This is done by brutally demonizing any suggestion by a feminist that they oppose Sacred Family Unit mythology, sexual demonization of feminists to all women within the society by informing them that the feminist is a lesbian, after first having demonized lesbianism as a bizarre, totally unnatural lifestyle choice only undertaken by inferior women. We will discuss how societal demonization and terrorization, as well as brainwashing efforts, have totally stripped the feminist movement of all genuinely feminist principles, leaving behind political action committees like NOW, National Organization for Women, which are completely broken, bound to supporting the political party line of the american government, devoted to raising money for themselves, just as every diseased political institution in america, and cannot possibly have a genuine goal of empowering women as equals to men, because this is not the desire, intention, goal, or even possibility, that the government is willing to allow to occur. These organizations are puppet institutions, that serve the supremely toxic societal goal of appearing and pretending to be feminist, when in reality there is not a shred of independent female empowerment within their design structure or operational goals. We will discuss the fact that when an organization like NOW takes a public stance such as "Not all women are obligated to have children", this stance is not radical or even pro-woman, because it legitimizes the societal right to genocidally infect all girls and women with the insane notion that they do carry such an obligation. Societal leaders would be happiest if they could censor all public suggestion that women don't have to breed, but they understand that the pretense of female freedom must be maintained, so they let women be told that they don't have to breed, realizing that as long as they are allowed to brutally brainwash and culturally coerce women into believing that they need to breed, only a tiny handful of Superiors will choose not to breed, based upon a few isolated public comments that they are not completely obligated to breed. We will discuss how the government itself overtly dictates, controls and directs the specific ideological precepts and goals that these sham feminist organizations adopt and pursue. We will again revisit the issue of abortion, discussing why feminist support for abortion in no way represents a valid, attempt to achieve gender equality, or a valid attempt to address the systemic gender inequalities upon which all current societies operate. We will discuss why feminist support for abortion is in fact an immoral betrayal of women, along the exact same lines as military recruiters immorally betray every young person who they encourage or allow to enlist. We will discuss the fact that the popularity of abortion among women reflects the Truth that women are being genocidally victimized by their societies, just as the popularity of all forms of societally legalized murder proves that both genders are being genocidally victimized by their societies. We will discuss why abortion is an absolutely perfect tool for society, perfect to be used to both keep women oppressed and subservient, and to also keep women appeased, accepting of their oppression and victimization. The personal empowerment that abortion provides in giving women the power to murder human beings, is a form of invalid, hypocritical appeasement, of the type that males are given when they are ordered to murder complete strangers via war, or to target morally superior, subhumanized animals for murder. We will discuss in detail, the entire issue of "Societal Appeasement", the design structure of appeasement rituals and myths, and how they are implemented across the entire board of injustice, from racial appeasement, to economic appeasement, to gender bias appeasement, based upon lies, false and invalid claims of personal empowerment and false governmental claims of having a goal of equality. We will discuss the overt sexualization of female humans, by government/society, how as official policy, women are decreed to be sexual objects and to have a primary purpose in life of pleasing, satisfying, and serving as Poison Containers for the sexual energy, needs, desires, and rage of male citizen-slaves. We will discuss the fact that this specific form of gender bias, based upon sexuality, is clearly one of the most pervasive, brutal, and harmful forms of gender bias, and yet no mainstream feminist organization or leader will properly focus upon condemning all forms of sex-related gender bias, specifically because the vast majority of female citizen-slaves have been successfully brainwashed by your evil societies into fervently believing that it is important, desirable, and necessary that they be seen and treated as being sexual objects. We will discuss the fact that any legitimate feminist movement would make issues such as the legalization of prostitution a top priority, right behind the elimination of Sacred Family Unit mythology and the pervasive governmental/societal sexualization of female humans. We will revisit the topic of Chinese Footbinding, focusing upon this practice as being a form of gender bias, and yet certainly not a much more brutal form of gender bias than is still universally embraced and committed against women, by all societies. We will discuss the specifically gender-biased purposes that Chinese Footbinding served, namely to limit the mobility of women, to allow men to feel physically superior to women, and to prevent women from being able to live on their own, independent of male and Sacred Family Unit dependency, and discuss the fact that all of these malevolent purposes continue to be sought and imposed upon women today, as part of the ongoing, completely unreformed, genocidal gender bias as practiced by year 2002 american society, as well as all other so-called civilized and progressive societies/governments. As always, feel free to e-mail me with your comments, but do not expect any type of a reply, most especially not if your e-mail is critical, much less hostile. I recognize the Inferiority of the vast majority of you creatures, I recognize that at best, perhaps 1 human out of 100,000 can be expected to appreciate the profound Truth and brilliance that has been expressed at this web page by your Seer of Forbidden Truth, and I will not waste any of my time in exchanging e-mail with Inferiors. Click Here to send me E-Mail: forbiddentruth@hushmail.com |