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![]() This is Wayne Williams, Tortured Victim-Creation of the Most Racist Society on Planet Earth. It is believed that during a 2-3 year serial killing rampage in the late 1970's and early 1980's, Wayne serially killed about 30 people, mostly Black children, in the state of Georgia. A tortured victim-creation of american society and a Black man himself, Wayne was and continues to be demonized as an "evil monster", because he targeted children he did not legally own, as his victims. The american nation was founded upon genocidal racism, directed towards native american indians, then built upon genocidal racism, in the form of slavery. Children of all races in america have been and continue to be brutally and genocidally tortured, as chosen public policy, and Black children have historically and remain today, the greatest victims of overt societal malice in america. You creatures have the audacity to demonize Wayne for killing 20-30 children, when you live as members of a society that directly causes and is responsible for many thousands of children dying each and every year. Wayne's ancestors were officially decreed to be subhuman creatures by virtue of the fact that their skin was a darker color than that of the empowered leaders of america. His own father and mother could not go into certain public bathrooms, could not eat at certain restaurants, could not sit near the front of public buses, could not own property in many areas, and were subjected to the most malevolent forms of irrational injustice, based solely upon a ridiculous measurement of skin pigmentation, as a matter of official, american national and state law. And yet, amazingly, this same society somehow finds the insane nerve to demonize, condemn, and punitively punish Wayne, for harming a handful of children. Wayne was and is a victim, like all criminals. He deserves no punitive punishment or condemnation of any kind. His actions in life reflect the reality of the victimization that his society malevolently inflicted upon him. The notion that the genocidally evil society which victimized him and chooses to victimize millions of children each and every year as a matter of public policy, has some type of a moral, ethical, or legal entitlement to negatively judge or condemn the True Reality actions of Wayne, is utterly repugnant and ridiculously invalid, from all rational viewpoints. Click Here to send me E-Mail: forbiddentruth@hushmail.com |