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![]() This is Gerald Eugene Stano, Tortured Victim-Creation of american Society. Like so many victims, Gerald cathartically transferred the brutal abuse and traumas that his society chose to inflict upon him, onto fellow humans. The remarkable tragedy in all of the pictured Martyrs within this website lies not in the deeds undertaken by these individuals, but rather the atrocities committed against and upon these victims, throughout their entire lives. Your societies initiate the cycle of victimization, and most outrageously of all, you have the audacity to continue and to finalize the cycle of victimization, all the while completely refusing to face up to the guilt and responsibility. legal, moral, every possible version of responsibility that you bear, or even to acknowledge that someone like Gerald is your torture victim. That is the True outrage and the True tragedy. You deliberately torture your children, but that's merely the beginning, you go far further, insanely blaming and demonizing your own torture victim, and decreeing him to be somehow guilty, evil, worthy of more, constant, ongoing victimization throughout his entire lifetime, all the way to deserving to be murdered. And why do you do this? Because your victim represents Truth. To face up to the Truth that Gerald is your victim, would mean having to face up to the horrific and unbearable Truths that all of you spend your pathetic lives desperately hiding from. The Truths that I so very proudly, and yet also with a recognition of just how pointless my efforts are, have devoted my life to analyzing, understanding, embracing, and disseminating. Savor this Manifesto, folks. You do not deserve it, you do not deserve to be graced with my brilliance, and the time, effort, and sacrifice that I have put into my disseminations of Forbidden Truth, for many years already and in many different ways. You have proven yourselves to be completely and utterly unworthy as a species, in literally billions of different ways. But still, I create this Manifesto. Not for your benefit, not for any of your benefits, but rather to honor and salute the glory that is Me, and the glory that is Truth. Tragically, human beings, even brilliant and superior ones, do not last, as of the 21st century. They have no staying power. They all die, cease to exist for all of eternity. But Truth lasts, Truth has staying power. It cannot die or cease to exist. It stands, it doesn't need to be accepted, embraced, acknowledged, it still stands. That is the value of Truth, folks. Even when it becomes useless to the individual, because the individual has ceased to exist, it still stands. Still, being the Superior thinker that I am, I do often wish I could trade places with Truth, as I deserve to stand eternally. But we will not dwell upon impossibilities or fantasies, that is the realm within which the Inferiors wallow. Just a few extra-deep thoughts for you to ponder, since Gerald, torture victim and recent murder victim of your deranged society, was pretty much the strong and silent type, and did not grace us with a great many enigmatic quotes that I can put in this space, to help immortalize him. That doesn't really matter though, because, tragically, in death we are all equal. Fame is useless, name recognition is useless, adoration is useless, hatred is useless, it's all useless once you are dead. Only Truth remains standing. And that Truth is also just as useless, to the deceased. It stands, but it's useless. Still, it stands. Ponder that for awhile, folks. "I hate a bitchy chick." "I stabbed her several times in the chest. She opened the door and tried to get out, but I cut her on the leg and pulled her back in. I shut the door, she fell forward and hit her head against the dashboard and started gurgling. I stabbed her a couple more times in the back, because she was messing up my car. She just went limp."----------------Gerald Eugene Stano
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