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![]() This is Dylan Klebold, Tortured Child-Martyr of Your Ultra-Diseased Society. Yes indeed, this angelic-looking boy was a brutally tortured victim of american society, tortured on a daily basis. You took this helpless child and inflicted enough torment upon him so that at age 17, the only rational life activity and goal that he could envision as reflecting his True Reality was to slaughter as many fellow human beings as he possibly could, and yet you, as a society, have the deranged audacity to label him as having been an "evil monster", instead of the ultimate, greatest victim, of the Columbine High School expression of limitless pain, by your society's tortured child-slaves. If Dylan had survived that fateful day, you creatures should all have literally fallen to your knees and begged him for forgiveness, that would have been the tiniest beginning of genuine, sincere, moral atonement, to beg your tortured child to forgive you, with sincere, limitless remorse. But no, insanely, you creatures would have demonized Martyr Dylan, labeled him as "evil", and sought to inflict additional, punitive punishment/torture upon him, for daring to reveal and express the Truth to you, for having shown you the Truth of the genocidal torment that you choose, as a society, to inflict upon your child-slaves. Absolutely pathetic! You would label Dylan as evil and insane, for doing nothing more than showing you the Truth, that you and your societies are not only 100% guilty and responsible for Dylan's creation and victimization, but that you and your societies are literally millions of times more insane and evil than this child-Martyr could ever, in his wildest dreams, have been. One of the greatest outrages of the late 20th century, and yet another piece of absolute proof as regards the fact that the so-called "news media" is nothing more than an agency of the government itself, the so-called "free" news media of america have allowed the judicial system to keep hidden or destroy the camcorder videotapes that Martyr Dylan made, together with fellow Martr Eric Harris, in which they expressed and revealed their true Reality. How repugnant, that not a single member of the mainstream news media, whose job it is to find, report, disseminate news, has had the guts or the initiative to file a proper first amendment court case, demanding complete and uncensored access to and the ability to distribute to all other news media sources, the complete contents of the five, possibly even more, original camcorder videos that Dylan and Eric courageously created, with a clear desire to reveal and expose to the world at large. No, you creatures don't want to have a tortured child tell you in his own words, why he wanted to kill 250 fellow humans, even while he was still a child. No, you don't want that information, you don't want to stare into his face on your tv sets as he tells you how you are guilty of his lifelong torture and torment. That would be Truth. That would be Forbidden Truth, the kind of Truth that you diseased creatures spend your entire lives desperately fleeing from. "It's humans that I hate." "A dark time, infinite sadness, I want to find love." Click Here to send me E-Mail: forbiddentruth@hushmail.com |