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![]() This is Arthur Shawcross, Tortured Victim-Creation of American Society. Perhaps one of the best examples and illustrations of how childhood torment translates into cathartic rage that dwells within the core True Reality of a victim throghout his lifetime, Arthur targeted both children and young women during his homicidal journey of personal vengeance. Not even a lengthy stint of being locked in a prison cage as punitive punishment curbed his homicidal rage, instead I am quite sure that it deepened and strengthened his determination to continue seeking and claiming his vengeance, and indeed, upon his release from prison Arthur resumed his serial killing spree with what I perceive to have been an even stronger sense of righteous, reflective mirrorization of personal victimization. Never forget, you pathetic creatures, that every time you have the audacity to demonize and punitively punish your own tortured victim-creations, all you are doing is strengthening not only the resolve of that specific victim to avenge the ever increasing injustices that have been and continue to be committed upon him, but the resolve of countless thousands of other torture victims throughout your society, who recognize themselves and their own victim status as they examine your brutal treatment of that specific victim, and have their collective sensibilities outraged and inflamed, strengthening their resolve to avenge not only the injustices that they have personally been subjected to, but the outrageous, genocidal injustices that they witness being upon upon their fellow victims by the very same society that is guilty of and responsible for their victimization. When our intrepid torture victim was 12 years old, his aunt forced him to perform oral sex on her. Arthur's mother brutalized him as well, both sexually and otherwise. At school, his classmates tortured him, taunting him with the nickname of "Oddie", under the official societal decree of coerced conformity that encourages and legitimizes children tormenting and teasing any child who in any way fails to conform their appearance, behavior, and interests to decreed standards of normalcy. At age 14 Arthur was violently raped by an older man. Still not having killed anyone, the evil military system of america soon clawed it's toxic hooks into our tortured child and sent him off to Vietnam, ordering to kill complete strangers and finally giving vent to the justifiable homicidal rage that had built up within his True Reality as a result of his torturously abusive childhood. Arthur committed his first murders and tortures on your behalfs, you diseased creatures. He murdered at the command of your society. Instead of clutching this tortured child to your bosom, and begging him for forgiveness, you ordered him to commit murder to satisfy the suppressed bloodlust that dwelled within you and literally oozes out of every diseased pore of your ultra-deranged society. Everything this tortured child has ever done in his life is nothing more than a cathartic reflection of the limitless, utterly malevolent victimization that american society chose to authorize, sanction, commit against him. At every turn, you owed him a debt that was unrepayable. You owed him your very lives, at every turn you should have fallen to your knees and begged him for forgiveness. But what did you do instead?? At every turn and in every way, throughout his entire lifetime, you continued to heap more and more totally undeserved torture, abuse, harm, victimization, demonization, upon him, your own created torture victim. The only thing you haven't done, is murder him. This ultimate atrocity hasn't been committed upon him. But it has been committed upon countless thousands of Arthur's fellow victims. A true holocaust, a genocide, an annihilation by you diseased, homicidal creatures, of your most brutally victimized creations, with an insane label of "justice" somehow attached to what can only be recognized, by any sane thinker, as the single greatest example of ultimate injustice, imaginable. "She was giving me oral sex, and she got carried away. So I choked her." -------------Arthur Shawcross
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