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![]() This is Aileen Wuornos, Tortured Victim-Creation of a totally Sexist, Misogynistic, Prostitution and Victim Demonizing Society of america. One of the very few female torture victims of american society to have found the internal strength and sense of personal outrage required to direct homicidal rage outward, in a serial fashion, upon fellow humans, Aileen, tortured as a child and victimized throughout her entire lifetime by male humans within the utterly sexist and misogynistic cultural climate of america, is believed to have shot dead at least seven men, in serial fashion, most of whom likely attempted to coerce her into having sex with them, and viewed her as being a subhuman creature, as society instructs all citizen-slaves to consider single women who initiate contact with or solicit car rides from, men. If there truly was a feminist movement/organization based upon Truth in america, it would have come out in 100% support of Aileen's status of being a torture victim, unworthy of receiving any punitive punishment. Tragically and outrageously, but of course not surprisingly, our torture victim was demonized, put on trial, decreed Guilty, condemned to be legally murdered, and is currently on "death row", for daring to reflect back at her society, just a tiny fraction of the lifetime of unjust victimization and brutalization that her society officially sponsored and legitimized the commission of, against her. Here are just a few details of Aileen's torturous life as a victim-creation of american society: Her father was a convicted child molestor diagnosed psychiatrically as being a sociopath. Aileen's Mommy was a child aged 16, possibly 17 at most, who would never have gotten custody of a womb excretion in any sane society. She abused baby Aileen for a little while, before getting bored and abandoning the slave. taken in by abusive relatives who pretended to be Aileen's biological parents, she only learned at age 12 that they were not her biological parents. Her stepfather was an alcoholic who treated all his slaves brutally. Aileen became a prostitute, a noble profession that her evil society perversely chooses to decree as illegal, and far worse, to legally authorize the ongoing brutalization and victimization of prostitutes by men, and by all "good and moral" citizens. This outrageous societal policy condemned Aileen to a lifetime of unjust victimization, on top of the torturous childhood that she had already endured. In the end, the police-pigs terrorized her only real friend into agreeing to betray her, secretly recording Aileen's admission of "guilt", made solely because of the affection she felt towards the only person she felt cared about her. Courageously, Aileen tried to stand upon the Truth. She revealed to the evil agents of her society that she was a victim, abused, raped, threatened, terrorized. But of course american society expects women to accept their subhuman status and quietly endure their torment, instead of reflecting their justified rage back upon their victimizers and the society that chooses to sponsor their lifelong brutalization. So that's Aileen's Truth, in a nutshell. Yet another tortured victim-creation of american society, victimized since birth, victimized every day of her life, still victimized today, on her way to being legally murdered by a society that proves each day, in thousands of different ways, that it does not deserve to exist. Upon being declared guilty of first degree murder, tortured victim Aileen yelled out in the courtroom: "I’m innocent! I was raped! I hope you get raped! Scumbags of America!" Yes Aileen, you see Truth, You see human scum when it presents itself to you. "I wanted to confess to you that Richard Mallory did violently rape me as I’ve told you. But these others did not. [They] only began to start to." "I have hate crawling through my system."----------------Aileen Wuornos
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